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f40 2011 buzzer alarm

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  • #16
    Originally posted by TwinTurbos
    There is nothing false positive about a fuel system overrun with water, you might well get a buzzer, but there will be no ignition, that is the result of water in an internal combustion engine. A bright kindergarten graduate would know this. You might be fooling some of the people here, that you can diagnose every engine fault without ever seeing the engine, but you can not, no one can, not even the people who built the engine can do that, and that goes for any engine, from any manufacturer, whether the engine be in a toy airplane or in the biggest container ship afloat.
    OP informed us that the system did not have water in it. You missed that part. Do the words seem scrambled to you?

    Water in fuel does not affect ignition. Ignition will still occur. Combustion might not ensue but combustion is different from ignition. Might I suggest a basic read in spark ignition engine theory, with lots of pictures and diagrams, for you?

    I will try to type more slowly. Try, try, try to keep up. Focus. Maybe a bottle of focus factor is needed.


    • #17
      Originally posted by TwinTurbos
      boscoe99, I hate to have to inform you, that you are completely wrong when you say and I quote "Water in fuel does not affect ignition" The fact is that water stops ignition completely as water not only does not ignite, but firemen use it all the time to stop ignition of various things. You might be confusing ignition with cranking, which ends once ignition is achieved. See ignition refers to the igniting of fuel in the combustion chamber, achieved by the spark from the plugs, if water is present the fuel does not ignite.

      The ENTIRE purpose of having a fuel water filter, is to prevent water from entering the combustion chamber, because in the presence of water, ignition does not occur.

      PS. A person born in 1999 is 16 years old, and is not a master mechanic.
      You are more than likely unaware that some engines have the means to inject water into the gasoline supply as a means of detonation suppression. A certain amount of water will not cause the fuel/air mix to not ignite.

      You are more than likely unaware that gasoline will hold a certain amount of water in suspension with no adverse consequences.

      But once again you are off track. This post is about a fellow that has a failed water-in-fuel sensor. His fuel supply does not have water in it. The sensor has failed like so many other sensors have failed. How does that translate to the consequences of an engine running with water in the gasoline supply?

      Do you wear a tag with a name on it so that you can remember who you are?


      • #18
        Originally posted by TwinTurbos
        Again, the fuel water filter needs to be serviced with regularity, because water kills combustion. Face it, you are wrong, as you have confused ignition with cranking, and they are two totally different things.

        PS. You wouldn't pass autoshop in my class......................
        So now the subject has been changed once again to servicing the filter with regularity.

        Is this wack-a-mole we are playing? You keep jumping around and popping up.

        Anyway, I am surprise to hear they are letting a 13 year old into an autoshop class. What does your instructor say about your not paying attention?


        • #19
          Originally posted by TwinTurbos
          The fact is that water stops ignition completely as water not only does not ignite, if water is present the fuel does not ignite.

          The ENTIRE purpose of having a fuel water filter, is to prevent water from entering the combustion chamber, because in the presence of water, ignition does not occur.
          Your not following the methodology of tracking down an issue.

          That buzzer should activate with the presence of WATER. He removed the water..Got that???? It still activates. It should NOT activate with NO water BUT it DOES!! Disconnecting it confirms the alarm is coming from THAT SENSOR..

          You have to follow the clues.

          Re an engine won't run with any water present, B.S.

          I've used this product, K100 for about 4 years, used to have water in my VST before using it. The built in fuel tank is original to the boat, 60 gallons, 18 years old, never been pulled out, Never been cleaned. The fuel in the VST is just as clear as if you bought it yesterday..

          The water is still there, but its in suspension, watch the video, there is NO PHASE SEPARATION. It does burn off with the fuel. Video # 3 specifically;

          Demonstration | Fuel Additive | K-100

          Your welcome..
          1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


          • #20
            Originally posted by TwinTurbos
            Just not true of the sensor, as I said disconnecting it proves nothing, because he already replaced the sensor. While it is possible that his replacement sensor is also bad, it's not likely. You really need to follow the clues a little more closely.

            PS. If you had water in your fuel, you should have had the tank cleaned, as water whether it burns or not, also causes RUST.............RUST is bad, more so inside of an engine.

            Do you disagree with this as well.
            The clues/facts are the facts. Why you refuse to follow them, I have no idea, just *****ing apparently..

            Aluminum fuel tanks don't rust, you know that correct?

            You know that unless your running NON-ethonol fuel in your car, you have water in the fuel system/engine RIGHT NOW..

            You know ethonol absorbs moisture in the air and corrodes parts, yes?

            Did you watch the video and/or read anything I posted re the fuel being clear and NO WATER collecting in the VST/engine???

            BTW, my OB engine runs GREAT. The boat was re-powered in late 2006(1997 hull).

            To pull the tank for no reason, you can, its not needed and won't happen as long as I own it, no reason to... The products proved itself to me over 5 + years of actually using it.. I've been wrenching for 41 years and found products that work, don't work, etc. Its not cheap but cheaper and easier than pulling tanks, VST's, etc.
            1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


            • #21
              Originally posted by TwinTurbos
              I never said that your fuel tank would rust, I said that water in the fuel could cause rust inside of your engine, and that you should have cleaned the tank to protect the engine. Also I don't know where you take your boat, but going out on the ocean with a tank that has water in it, isn't recommended by the Coast Guard, which might well have to come get that boater.............

              Hello Coast Guard, my boat isn't working, I am in too deep of water to anchor, oh I knew that I had water in my fuel at the dock, but decided to go fishing anyway. They still come and get you, but send you the bill as well.
              Your simply *****ing again SeaStar..

              You have an answer for everything even thou your proven wrong. The video, if you even looked at it, doesn't lie...

              The issues been resolved for the OP.
              1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


              • #22
                Guys as I have said before if you keep feeding the ***** it will not go away

                please stop feeding it


                • #23
                  Originally posted by TwinTurbos
                  Why did you say that I said that your fuel tank would rust, when I never mentioned your fuel tanks composition. The fact remains that water in the fuel is very bad for a combustion engine as it could well cause corrosion in any number of ways inside of an engine. Also the OP never said that his problem was solved, so you are assuming that it was. his last post said this, and I quote "thanks, I unplugged the sensor from the cup and the alarm stops so I'm going to purchase a new one to see what happens." For all we know he replaced the switch after he was told that the sensor was bad, and now the buzzer still rings. How can you conclude that he has no more problems? You might be right, but there is no evidence to support this.
                  Those that are knowledgeable of Yamaha matters have the benefit of knowing what you do not know.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                    Guys as I have said before if you keep feeding the ***** it will not go away

                    please stop feeding it
                    Your right... He even answers to Seastar, DA!
                    1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


                    • #25

                      the un named idiot has struck again.
                      this time he wants a shrubbery.

                      its actually faiarly simple.
                      the water detect ONLY works if the motor is in a N gear position.

                      careful turbo.
                      decepticons are everywhere.

                      pay no attention to the un named idiot.
                      like the black knight said. NONE SHALL PASS.

                      followed by. tis only a flesh wound.

                      but ya have to remember its on the net and if the UN NAMED IDIOT posts it its gospel.
                      \poster was way smarter than me, got me banned.

                      however I have done this for about 25 yrs to place beans and bacon on the table.
                      the past 20+ years I am still in the same place.

                      careful taking info from an un named IDIOT.


                      • #26
                        I don't like fish, but when I do my commercial guys give it to me all ready for the pan.

                        I still don't understand why the un named idiot does not understand the difference between a switch and a sensor.

                        the F40 has a water detect SWITCH mounted in the filter cup.

                        when the float raises due to water a reed switch closes and if the shift switch is in N the audible alarm sounds..

                        switchs fail.
                        sometimes they fail open, sometimes closed.

                        so if you get an audible in N and it goes away when shifted into a gear position, check the fuel filter cup.


                        • #27
                          Guys... Guys... Guys...

                          Every frequently reader of this forum as me know how valuable/good you are...
                          You have nothing to prove... You have done this for years here on the forum...

                          Why do you insist to feed and then crush this ***** ???

                          Ignore him/her... other wise will not go away...

                          I'm on the forum for 3 or 4 years almost every days and I've never seen such a bad "posts" since this ***** is here... IMHO


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by almetelo View Post
                            Guys... Guys... Guys...

                            Every frequently reader of this forum as me know how valuable/good you are...
                            You have nothing to prove... You have done this for years here on the forum...

                            Why do you insist to feed and then crush this ***** ???

                            Ignore him/her... other wise will not go away...

                            I'm on the forum for 3 or 4 years almost every days and I've never seen such a bad "posts" since this ***** is here... IMHO
                            You are right. I apologize for feeding the beast.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by almetelo View Post
                              Guys... Guys... Guys...

                              Every frequently reader of this forum as me know how valuable/good you are...
                              You have nothing to prove... You have done this for years here on the forum...

                              Why do you insist to feed and then crush this ***** ???

                              Ignore him/her... other wise will not go away...

                              I'm on the forum for 3 or 4 years almost every days and I've never seen such a bad "posts" since this ***** is here... IMHO
                              There are some very knowledgeable guys on this forum, but sometimes they tend to talk down to others or belittle their thoughts. I am sure they are good guys and mean to help, but some take it to heart.Everyone has an opinion and that's what this is about. Its about bar talk..have fun, but don't get your shorts in a wad over it.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by TwinTurbos
                                Sure, but there are also several people posting here, and giving all sorts of wrong advice, who are not yet allowed in any bar, nor had their first beer yet. The people who are coming here for help, deserve a little better.
                                And if you really believe that, then you will leave,

