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Cant get TNT unit back into the bracket!!! Im going crazy!!!

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  • Cant get TNT unit back into the bracket!!! Im going crazy!!!

    Hello, i am trying to install a tilt and trim unit on my 98 115 yamaha 2stroke. My friend got it out of the bracket (for tilt ram seal ovehaul) but cannot be reached on how to get the darn thing back into the bracket. Once again...its the whole TNT unit, not just the motor. Any help? Thanks?

  • #2
    Trim & tilt unit assembly

    Firstly remove 2 nut(top & bottom) at right side transom holding your engine bracket.make sure the engine is resting on its stopper.

    2- knock in the long bolt till its flush with your transom.

    3- remove 2 bolt at bottom anode on right side of bracket.

    4-loosen steering cable nut & the inner nut holding the bracket together.

    5-using a mallet knock the loose bracket wider so u can fit in the tnt.


    • #3
      Make sure the tilt ram is fully retracted and just go in on an wiggley angley thingi mahooper (you sort of drop it in)
      I don't know of your exact model but you shouldn't have to spread the brackets.
      Working on trim and tilt units gives me the shits when the well being of your hands depends on those piddly tilt stops.
      Last edited by greasyshaft; 01-29-2015, 04:30 AM.


      • #4
        I agree. There should be no reason to have to move the clamp brackets. The assembly slid out and it should slide back in.

        This might be one of those things that seems impossible. You give up after fighting with it for an hour. You come back later and lo and behold it simply fits right in on the first try.


        • #5
          Keep us updated

          Keep us updated when u manage to fit your tnt,just went through mine & thats how my mechanic did it...simply won't fit in & out if u don spread the bracket...just sharing a technique by someone who taught me...don worry your engine won't fall coz its still mounted by the bolts on the left.


          • #6
            My friend who was working on it finally got back to me...he was investigating a problem with the electric hydraulic motor. So the motor part of the tnt was removed. I have a unit with the motor removed...i will try to insert that unit. Ill keep you all question...why wouldnt yamaha design this better!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              There is nothing wrong with the design.

              Think about it for a moment. If it slid right out then it should simply slide back in. And, it will. It just has to be aligned properly.

              That which is unknown appears to be difficult. Once the unknown becomes known it becomes a piece of cake. I have replaced many, many units Yamaha trim and tilt assemblies.

              Ever play with the Chinese finger locking device. First time I played with one I panicked when I could not get my fingers to come free. Once you learn how it is used you can quite easily remove your fingers. Same with trim and tilt unit.

              Here is the Yamaha procedure. Unbolt the stuff and slide it out. Slide it back in and bolt it back up. Piece of cake. Once you "get it" you will agree.


              • #8
                it has worked well for many years , but somethings can be a little difficult if you have never done it before


                • #9
                  Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                  it has worked well for many years , but somethings can be a little difficult if you have never done it before
                  Amen brother.

                  Stuff won't fit and stuff gets broken. With knowledge and experience comes easiness.

                  What I may struggle with Rodbolt, having done it numerous times, will find it very easy to do.

                  Actually, it is not until I have performed a task about three times that the easiest and best way to do it is discovered. As in, damn I wish I could go back and do that again, knowing what I know now but did not know before.


                  • #10
                    Here is what Showa, the manufacturer of the trim and tilt assembly, has to say.


                    • #11
                      With all due respect...the diagram for that tnt unit may be easy, in the photos above...mine is all grey one...different than the one in the diagram. It is like a chineese puzzle though. Not going to unbolt the bracket in salt and everytime i touch a bolt it breaks. Thanks


                      • #12
                        Ever had that feeling when what the Algebra teacher was trying to get across came through? Light the proverbial light going on?

                        It will all come to you. Just keep manipulating the unit as you are trying to get it to slide between the clamp brackets.

                        Ever heard the one about the guy that replaced his assembly for the first time and it slid right into place. But, he forgot to thread the cable through and had to pull the assembly back out. He had one hellava time getting the unit to go back ins for the second time. Had he not installed it OK in the first place he would not have believed that it was possible.

                        Patience grasshopper.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Phyrefighterjay View Post
                          With all due respect...the diagram for that tnt unit may be easy, in the photos above...mine is all grey one...different than the one in the diagram. It is like a chineese puzzle though. Not going to unbolt the bracket in salt and everytime i touch a bolt it breaks. Thanks
                          Maybe you can post a pic of yours and explain some about why it will not go into place


                          • #14
                            it slips right in.
                            I have done several hundred of the showa units in the past 15 yrs or so.
                            if the tilt ram is partially retracted it makes it easier.
                            if retracting the tilt ram is not an option you can have some one lift up on the gearcase for a few inchs of extra clearance.


                            • #15
                              It never dawned on me that someone would try to install the assembly without the tilt and trim pistons being fully retracted. Is that what is causing the problem?

