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Spun Hub - HELP!!!

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  • Spun Hub - HELP!!!

    Hi all, I have put my boat in the water after a long winter and it did start with first switch, move along very smoothly along the Boston bay until suddenly lost transmition. I turn engine off, trim up to see if I had hit a rope or something but nothing was on it; tilt it down and try again but did not have forward nor reverse. I believe this is called "spun the Hub" and I'd love to get assistance on how to repair it if it can be done by me and or if there is something else that can be happening.
    The engine is a 1991 225 and I have the boat sitting in a dock
    Thanks for all your help!!!

  • #2
    if its the pressed in rubber hub you will need to pull the prop off of the lower unit and take to a prop shop where they will remove old and install a new one Or you can purchase a new prop.

    Are you sure it has spun the rubber hub or has something happened to the gears /shaft?


    • #3
      Don't really know; The shaft was actually replaced end of last year and did not get the chance to test it until just now when this happens...makes me wonder now that could be that too.


      • #4
        Who replaced the shaft?

        You may need to get them involved if you payed them for the repair. hopefully they filled lower unit with lube when they put it back together.


        • #5
          I was finally able to drop the boat/engine at the technician and I have found that the drive shaft is broken resulting on the replacement of the whole lower unit as referred by tech. with an associated cost of +/- $5,000.00
          Is this cost (seems very high) a true cost; also will like to get the advice if this issue could be related to the repair I did before where we replaced the main vertical shaft.
          All help at this moment are greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance.


          • #6
            Call around and see what other shops will charge to replace lower unit to see.
            Prices differ on new, used, rebuilt, etc. make sure you are comparing the same type of parts. Look for some lower units online and see what they cost

            I have no idea what all happened to the lower unit because you have not told us, if there was no lube in it it would have come apart because of no lubrication.
            The vertical shaft is the one I would call the drive shaft, and the horizontal would be the prop shaft.

            Which did you have replaced and is the shop one that you trust?

            What all did they say was wrong with the lower unit and what caused it?


            • #7
              99yam40, verygood questions. What happened was that I lost gear when running on pretty much flat water at boston bay with very nice weather +/- within 4200 - 4400 rpm. Turn motor off and inspected for anything stuck on propeller, found nothing, tilted down and started it again but then I did not have any gear (forward and/or reverse)
              I though that I have spun the hub, I was able to drop the boat to the dealer where I did the replacement (drive shaft) and have the opportunity to try out just now. When I drop it off, the tech. revised the lubricant from any metalic residue and found none. I just got a call from them stating that the prop shaft got broken and that I need to replace the whole lower unit.
              What they said about the lower unit is that is an aftermarket piece that yamaha does not make and that they could not know what could be the cause for it.
              The shop is one of yamaha platinum service dealers, I found them from yamaha web site.


              • #8
                Have a look around and find a second hand one there was one on fleabay the other day for $500 bucks changing a complete lower unit is not rocket science .

                Whats more i doubt if there is a after market prop shaft made ......more........ like i was poorly service and now they are feeding you a line .

                Check and see what you can purchase a new one for on the internet. seek and you will find


                • #9
                  Mitch, yes, I got very scared woth that ammount for the repair on that lower unit. I have yet to see it and I will try to take pics as well!!
                  And yes, I believe it was poorly serviced the first time that causes such fault..


                  • #10
                    Seems like I have read about aftermarket lower units that shops use sometime, they are cheaper and a faster fix than rebuilding themselves.


                    • #11
                      After a long day I finally found out details about the issue of my 225 txrp 1991: What we have replaced before was the shift shaft and all adjacent components. What is damaged, actually completely broken is the drive shaft end, right where meets the pinion (#43 on lower drive #1 as per yamaha diagram). The tech. has shown me all the details and my lower unit disassembled for what I could noticed the damage. On the other hand they claim the cost of a brand new yamaha lower unit is about $ 4,800.00 plus +/- $400.00 labor + tax is close to $ 5,500.00 and if I used an after market lower unit (made by a shop in Florida) will cost around $ 3,500.00
                      As you all can see this has not been a good day for me, now I'm in the process to try to find one lower unit via ebay and/or craiglist and I will like to know what lower units (models/years) will fit mine (1991 225 txrp)
                      Thanks again!


                      • #12
                        I have not seen a shaft just shear with out something causing it. Was it lack of lubrication and the bearings locked up and sheared the shaft?

                        If the shaft was just sheared with out any other damage then why do you need a new whole lower unit?
                        What else was messed up and what cause the problem?


                        • #13
                          99yam40, I'm following you - I did not asked those questions, all I saw was the pinion apart from the drive shaft and this one sheared!!
                          They didn't say anything about lack of lubricant and didn't see nor advice of any other piece messed.


                          • #14
                            Methinks its a line of bullshite it is no coincidence have repairs then unit fails

                            THERE IS A REASON to screw a shaft of like that it takes a lot of force like if there was no oil in it .

                            did you check the oil ? what color are the bearings have they turned blue ?


                            • #15
                              Mitch, yes it had oil and no, they are not blue!

