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Not another bleeding question :D

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  • Not another bleeding question :D

    Ok, so I read to bleed the system on the trim you raise the motor by hand (after releasing the manual lift screw) check level, fill if necessary and then let the motor back down and repeat this 3 or 4 times.

    My question is - in the up position after you check for full, do you retighten the fill screw down and then let the motor back down by hand, lift and then loosen and check and repeat with the tightening and such?


    You pick up, check for full, let down, pick up check for full, let down and so on?

  • #2
    I am willing to bet it will spurt out all over the place if you do not close off


    • #3
      I would think so too but bleeding breaks you break in the pressure stage and then tighten back for the pumping back up. The technique is clear on the other threads except for when or if you tighten back the bleed screw


      • #4
        I think by moving by hand you are moving the air and fluid through the system working the air out of the system. By moving without running the motor , running the motor will airyate the fluid, trapping air in the fluid(foam), you should be able to get the air out and fill all the way with fluid. Every once and a while not on every lift to the raised position, pull the fill plug and top off, and then put plug back in. And repeat.
        Last edited by 99yam40; 10-13-2009, 09:11 AM. Reason: add comments

