After a nasty encounter with an unmarked rock, it's time for a new prop for my F200. The current prop was perfect - just hit 5900 RPM when the bottom was clean and the water was smooth. Trouble is, I don't know the exact size - there are 2 stamped markings on the prop. "17" is the pitch, I'd guess, and the other marking is either an "11" or a "II" - can't tell which. This was a stainless prop that came with the boat, so I didn't spend a lot of time on it. I'm going to get an aluminum prop and see if I can get the original repaired - do I just get a 17 pitch prop for an F200, or is there a diameter difference that matters?
Thanks for any info - first time I've had to replace a prop and I'm not up to speed on the basics.
Thanks for any info - first time I've had to replace a prop and I'm not up to speed on the basics.