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oil transfer pump running and running

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  • oil transfer pump running and running

    I have 1986 150 pro V and the transfer oil pump will not stop when the tank is full. I have a new sensor in that tank on the engine. when I tilt the engine up the trasfer pump shuts off.

  • #2
    only 4 things will make the 2 stroke pump run and not shut off.

    1) a very weak battery

    2) the sensor that you replace

    3) the wire harness between the pump that’s in the remote tank and the control unit

    4) the control unit. (the control unit has the emergency toggle switch on it)

    I just had to replace the control unit on a 87 v4 115 hp the pump would not shut off, I tested the system before replacing, these parts $$$
    Your sensor is new I would still test it, only takes a minute and I seen new parts that been bad before, doesn’t happen much but it happens
    my bet is it’s your control unit 176.66 + shipping from this site and is a good price compare to others
    If it is the control unit, the replacement is a little different from the old style but it comes with everything you need including instructions not hard to install. pump will only operate when running in the normal mode of filling the tank
    send me your email thru private message and I will send you the pages on testing this system. Thanks given to member JUST-IN-Time for these test pages good luck, Don


    • #3
      when I said pump will only operate when running in the normal mode of filling the tank
      I meant the pump will not turn on when only key is on, the engine has to be running and the tank is in need for oil, if tank is very low on oil and you get the alarms the oil will pump with just the key on and engine not running.


      • #4
        Oil flow problem

        Hello. I have a similar problem to Jim's that was posted earlier. I have a'93 Yamaha V6 150. About a month ago a had the boat out and the reserve pump would not shut off so oil was flowing out the air intakes. I replaced the sensor and and put her back in the water. After about 30 minutes use, the same thing happened with excess oil pumping, however not to the same extent as the first time (first time i could hear engine pumping continuously and more oil flow) This time I replaced the screened float tube as the old one was a little warped so I thought the float was jamming. Over the weekend, same thing happened again after about 25 running minutes. So I am now stumped and looking for guidance.

        Worth mentioning that on occasion, typically after hitting a wave pretty hard, the oil alarm will sound until I bring her back to idle speed then the alarm will stop and good to go again. This is my second season with this engine. The alarm issue I dealt with all last season without having the oil flow issue i'm presently experiencing.
        Greatly appreciate any feedback on what I should do next.




        • #5
          Loose or bad ground wires can also cause it to overfill. Check all ground wires. The 86 Prov 150 does have a oil control module but Peter's 93 150 the oil module is inside CDI unit so if the engine oil tank sensor is ok then it may be a ground problem.

          Yamaha Outboard Parts


          • #6
            Don, I am having the same issues as Jim above. I have a 1986 Yamaha Pro V and the keeps pumping out just like his. Can you please send me the link on how to test the control unit? Thanks Zack


            • #7
              Don's post was about 14 years ago. I suspect that, like Elvis, he has left the building.

              Any test procedure would be in the Yamaha service manual that is applicable to your specific model of motor.

