I have a 1999 vmax 150. it goes down fine. tilt and trim. a month or so ago it made a little noise so i added fluid and got all the air out and so forth. works fine for 2 or 3 fishing trips and then it will be a little low again. on the garage floor i see a little bit of fluid but cant find it on the motor. then yesterday it sounded pretty bad on the lake. got home and added fluid but not good this time. when motor is all the way down it makes a real bad squeal and grind sound when comming up and is real slow till it gets to the point of tilt (i assume tilt is the fast part on the last 30% on comming up) and then sounds fine. going down sounds normal and no squeal. but comming up it has the real bad sound and is real slow. i found a new trim motor on line for less than $200 but will this fix this type of issue. or is it a pump?? also when going up and down the motor got hot. or warm should i say. now the relays dont get warm or if they due it is so slight you cant really tell. What should i do?? if it is the motor i assume you raise the motor up and put down the safety tabs and then i can take the 4 screws out and disconnect the 2 wires at the relays and put a new one on. i assume. not sure if its that easy. please give me a little insight. thanks
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tilt/trim issue help really needed
I did. i used a spray lube and then after reading your post i went back with marine grade lube and did it. went up and down about 10 times and no change at all. its pretty loud. I called a local shop and they told me $200 for the motor and $110 labor.
it looks like there is 4 screws holding it on and 2 wires that go to it. one screw looks like a pain to get to but other than that is there really a problem changing out the motor??? dont want to get into something i cant handle and get torn apart.work all day and play all nite
i also added fluid and then raised the motor all the way up and used the manual release valve and let it all the way down. i could hear the air come out. did that about 5 times. kept adding fluid and so on. no luck. it sounds more like a grinding squeal. the motor felt pretty warm also. not to the point you cant hold it or to melt anything but pretty warm.
now you can raise the motor up to any position and it does not loose pressure and come down. but i raised it up and blocked it up and took the 4 bolts out and the motor has some noise to it when not on the boat. i have the parts department sending me a new motor now. hope boats.net ships fast. but could it be in the pump?? it holds pressure and so forth but i thought it could be the pump. or is the motor what makes all the sound?? thanks for any helpwork all day and play all nite
i called the local yamaha shop. they told me that the pumps go out about 1 in 10,000. he has seen 2 in 20 years. and if it will hold the motor up and no loose prime and come down then the pump is not leaking and is fine. but now if thats true i have no idea. But he said that a trim motor can get weak and the seals can get worn and let some fluid past and get on the brush and make an awful sound. also said that if its not helping putting the marine lube on the rods then to raise it all the way up and do the manual release all the way down and i did hear some air come out. 3 times. but no change in the speed it will go up. about 1 minute to get it all the way up. and the sound is the same. does this sound right?? just hope i am not buying part after part and not solving the problem. thanks for any feed backwork all day and play all nite
I am expieriencing the same problem.
It could be a grinding sound, but I dont think it is.
It sounds as if the system is airbound, and when I open fluid the fill cap, air excapes, and the system works better for a few times.
I added fluid, but it was hard to get it in because it seemed to not bleed properly.
how do you bleed air out of the system.
thanks for the reply,
I checked the fluid level again, and it seems to have been a little low, so I filled it. Also
My mechanic told me the bushings will make a horrible sound as well if they are dry or frozen , so I lubed them also, and it seems OK righ now.
I was told that it is normal for some air to escape when the fill cap is loosened, and that this system is self bleeding.
Time will tell.
if it was a seal would it hold pressure. i can put the motor at half way or all the way up and it will not move at all. it has been up for 2 days and not one inch did it move. just seems like it would bleed off if it was in the pump or seal. the motor seems to be where the sound comes from. but then again it could be in the pump since that is right below the motor.work all day and play all nite
Check your ground wires and connections. I had a simmilar problem and it ended up being a corroded ground cable at the battery. If you have wing type battery nuts make sure they didn't vibrate lose. I replaced mine with the nylon lock nuts just make sure you use stainless.
2000ox66 i was told at the shop the other day that you raise your motor all the way up and then use the manual release to bring it all the way down. you will hear the air come out at the end. i tried it and i got air out the first few times. didnt help me on the grinding squeal and so forth. but the shop told me to do it that way and it did work.work all day and play all nite
i put the new motor on. i bleed the system and it didnt help. at all. then i was told the bumpers that the trim pistons hit when pushing the motor were bad. that if they are cupped out then its bad. $35 each and no luck. then told to drain the system and refil. did so. but now i cant get it to bleed all the way out. and that motor gets heavy lifting it by hand when your wife is the only one there to just flip the safety lever to hold it up.
any advise now. i just dont want to spend all the money going to the shop. but what do you all think???work all day and play all nite
wont know if it worked till tuesday. I cleaned the connectors at the battery real good. with sand paper. also the battery will run down fast. with in a short time of using the live wells it will go dead on me. so i just got a good battery for it. and i also cleaned the grounds at the relays. can a weak battery or bad connection short out the motor or make it get hot??? just curious on this one. ill put a new motor on it tuesday and also i went ahead and decided to put a new pump from on here as well. I have put all new seals and o rings in the rams on the 2 trim rams. top and bottom. if this does not work then i dont know what else it could be. new motor, battery, seals, o rings, pump. is there another part i am missing.. LOLwork all day and play all nite
Trim and tilt issue
We have just completed a new deck install ,when doing so it was required to remove the counsel,when we wired it back ,we have trim on the up stage ,but it dead shorts when we push the button for the motor to trim down. Does antybody know what the blue wire from the tilt switch attaches too in the center counsel?????????????? For an Z 150 TLRZ.
Thank You in advance
Some PT&T units will squeal when trimming, it's from fluid going through small passages in valves at a high pressure. It wont cause any harm but sounds bad. Air in the system sounds like a blender running. Unless you metal or debris in unit it's probably one of the valves.
On Boat Doctor shorted wires, The blue, green and red wire from control box connects to main engine harness by the switch panel. The green wire is trim down and blue wire is trim up wires, sounds like the green wire is shorted to ground.