While running 3/4 throttle there is no problem, she runs smooth. I opened her up the other day and at full throttle the engine did not run smooth at all, as soon as I dropped down in rpm's it ran smooth again. Only at WOT does it start to sputter a little. Any ideas, gas, plugs, etc. ?
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1996 C150 WOT not running smoothly
Motor is 10-11 years old. Don't know the history of your motor but I would look at all the simple things first. Try fresh gas in a clean can, put primer line directly into it. Check fuel line and hose clamps from tank to seperater for cracks. Check the water seperater and its seal and seat. Check primer lines, hose clamps, and bulb. Check Both ends of pipe plug (fuel lines connections at base of motor). Check fuel lines from pipe plug to strainer for cracks or kinks, Check o-ring and seat of strainer. Check fuel pump seal, diaphram, and o-ring. Check choke vacuum line and choke linkage for smooth return. Check fuel lines to each carb. Check tightness of all mounting bolts on carbs. Check plugs or better yet change them if needed. Check all electrical connections and grounds for loosness or corrosion. Check voltage at charging with throttle open, should be about 14 volts. Check and keep checking anything and everything. Most of the time with a sudden change in performance it is a small problem that appears to be a big $$ issue. It is time consuming to go thru the whole list of check points so have a detailed plan that will start at the gas tank and end at the plugs. Otherwise you may miss something. For about $30.00 you can replace both ends of the pipe plug(gas line quick connect), The primer bulb and lines, and the strainer o-ring. A small crack or loose fitted fuel line will draw in air and ruin your whole day. After you have gone over all these things and there still is no change in performance, then try a de-carbinizer treatment. Keep it simple and be patient my friend.