1999 130hp yamaha sneezing at idle and occasionally quits at idle. Seems to run fine at anything about idle. Any ideas?
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1999 130hp yamaha sneezing
Thats a sign of dirty carbs. Remove and clean carbs, make sure you clean low speed jets.
Aahchooey. Mine did that after begining use of e10 gas last spring. A seafoam shocktreat cured it. Did add a water/fuel separator later. This is a great forum, and get the best deals and service by the sponsor!
That is true and not true. My 115 will pick up small particles of "stuff" in the jets, the gas flow will be interupted just enough to cause a lean starve.
When I do the above procedure it clears up. HOWEVER if your jets are plugged tight with big stuff then you get to pull and clean the carbs. Which these days is good periodic maintenence anyway hopefully no more than yearly. Works for me, may work for you and no harm done if it dosen't.
Try a shock treatment with RingFree or SeaFoam.
Here's the procedure I use on my C115 with SeaFoam - this is from a previous post:
Two strokes build up a lot of carbon internally and need to be de-carbonized by doing a "shock treatment" with a detergent like Seafoam.
I like to do the shock treatment once a year on my C115 - in late winter when I am going thru my list of "spring make-ready".
If you use a detergent like Yamaha Ring Free or SeaFoam all the time in your fuel tank, then the carbon buildup is not as bad. Still, a lot of 2-stroke owners will de-carbonize once a year - you will get various opinions on this.
I "shock-treat" my C115 by running the following mixture thru it. This will smoke up the area pretty good, and leave a lot of carbon on the drive way:
16 oz can Seafoam
3/4 gal gas
3 oz oil (2 if oil injected)
Disconnect the fuel line at the input to the bulb and attach a three foot piece of fuel line to the bulb. Mix the above in a small container -
I use an empty 5 quart oil jug. Set the container on the deck of your boat and insert the fuel line and secure to make sure the end stays on the bottom of the container. Pump up bulb and start outboard with earmuffs and water hose, of course -run a little above idle for 15 minutes and turn off. Let sit for 15 minutes. Run again for 15 minutes. Let sit 15 minutes. Repeat until all mixture is consumed. Reattach main tank hose to bulb and run regular fuel/mixture thru motor for 10 minutes - you want to get the concentrated detergent out of the fuel system.
Now, clean up the drive way before your wife sees all that nasty carbon and makes you get rid of your boat.
If the above doesn't help, then time to tear down those carbs, clean, and install a carb kit.
Good luck [img]smile.gif[/img] ,
Ken K