Hi all,
Yamaha 4hp 2 stroke (4ac)
Ran it yesterday after 9 months storage and the tell tale was flowing but unusually hot.
I removed the thermostat and found it gunked up and stuck closed. Soaked it in vinager and it now opens in a pan of hot water.
As it is within the exhaust plate, do I need to use a gasket sealer with the new exhaust gaskets or fit them dry?
Thank You!

Yamaha 4hp 2 stroke (4ac)
Ran it yesterday after 9 months storage and the tell tale was flowing but unusually hot.
I removed the thermostat and found it gunked up and stuck closed. Soaked it in vinager and it now opens in a pan of hot water.
As it is within the exhaust plate, do I need to use a gasket sealer with the new exhaust gaskets or fit them dry?
Thank You!
