I just picked up a new analog 6y7-83540-81-00 tach from boats.net for my 70tlrd and when it came in there are 2 dip switches instead of the normal dial for the pole setting. The only thing is there is no card showing what to set the dip switches to or even what they are for. It also has a single screw on plastic holder to mount it in place vs the old style dual post with nuts and washers and a bent metal bracket. Other than that it looks pretty much the same. I have a 2020 rigging guide and its not in there. Maybe someone has a 2021 that has it and can send me a copy of the page showing what the dip switch settings are. I cant even locate a tach like it online. Even boats.net site shows the other style with the normal pole dial and metal bracket and 2 studs on their site instead of the tach I received today. Looking online I can not locate a single picture of this tach anywhere not even on Yamahas site.