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High pressure sensor

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  • High pressure sensor

    For all you mechanics out there (Rodbolt especially) . How often do you see these sensors go bad. I spoke to Jeff today at flagship and told him the situation. He told me if I pull out the filters in the pump and they are clean its more than likely not the pump. My mechanic swears it is but I don't know if he checked the sensor. I shipped out the pump anyway but I hope I didn't waste my money. By the way Jeff is a very good guy.

  • #2
    I have never seen a fuel pressure sensor failure myself.
    it could happen I guess.


    • #3
      I've replaced 1,


      • #4
        Well after packing up the pump and paying to have it overnighted to Florida I wake up to find out the box was being held. 4 hours later I find out it can't be shipped overnight because of the fumes. Never told this yesterday. They gladly took my money. So now instead of the pump being done today it won't even get there till Monday. With my luck the way it's going the pump will come back and I'll find out it wasn't the problem. Hopefully I'm wrong.

