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T9.9 Cooling system leak?

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  • T9.9 Cooling system leak?

    I have a 2013 T9.9XPHB on my 25' sailboat. When it was put in the water yesterday a friend standing to the side noticed water flowing out of two embossed holes about 1/3 of the way down the shaft housing, facing the pivot shaft.
    There was a strong flow of water out of the tater tail.
    The flow out of the embossed holes was low pressure but did increase a little with throttle increase.
    The OB had been warming up about 15 minutes.
    Yard mechanic had not seen this before and did not know if it was a problem or not.
    I don't remember seeing it before but I am always in the boat when the OB is running and I needed to stretch to see it coming out of the embossed holes.

    Do I have a problem or is this normal?
    Best Regards,

  • #2
    what are embossed holes?
    pics would help


    • #3
      Embossed is the word the mechanic used. The holes have a raised ridge around them.
      I hope to get a pic today but here is a stock photo with an hour showing the area where these holes are.

      Attached Files
      Best Regards,

