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absolutely most expensive Yamaha part

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  • absolutely most expensive Yamaha part

    Carburetor drain plug gasket 6J8-14995-00-00 $2.04

  • #2
    the prop cotter pin costs more than that.
    you outta see some of the prices on Volvo stuff.


    • #3
      If you're in US you should be happy with price of parts there.
      Here parts prices are at least most of the time the double of price than there, sometimes +/- the same and some cases up 5x more. And my country in not with most expensive YAMAHA parts in EU

      I'm a YAMAHA guy but price of parts let me sick.
      Off course YAMAHA and dealers must have profit but sometimes I feel i'm being theft with consent (maybe I don´t have other option)

      Boating is not cheap but after a good day of boating we will forget all that

      I have a couple of other things I like to do on my free time and none is cheap

      (I think is not easy find a cheap hobbie and I don´t like to watch TV) lol
      Last edited by almetelo; 04-03-2015, 07:32 AM.


      • #4
        you think boating is an addictive expensive hobby? try collecting and shooting antique military rifles .
        addictive but fun. as I work on broken boats day in and day out I really don't enjoy my boat anymore.
        I do enjoy my mosins,mausers ,MAS 36,enfields and such .


        • #5
          Buy, own and operate an airplane for a while. A very small one.

          You gotta pay to park it. You gotta pay to have it inspected annually, or more often. You gotta have stuff fixed when the mechanic says it has to be fixed. You got to pay the mechanic to fix it; not much you can do on your own. Gasoline is about 6 bucks a gallon. You gotta get a medical exam at least once every two years. Fail the exam and the airplane is now useless to you.

          You will soon come to believe that they are giving boats, motors, and their parts away, for nothing.


          • #6
            Boscoe I guess I know what you mean (maybe not) but plane is extreme example...
            My goverment consider boats, bikes etc luxury stuff so taxes are very high on this products... wages are low.

            Rod I don´t have a clue about guns but no wonder is expensive.

            I have a friend that say "is expensive if you can´t buy it, if price is high but you bought is not expensive"


            • #7
              Originally posted by amahaork View Post
              Carburetor drain plug gasket 6J8-14995-00-00 $2.04
              I have spares of that exact part with the brass plugs. I drain the carbs between trips and turned one off at the ramp. Compared to rebuilding a carb due to ethanol, that gasket is cheap.


              • #8
                yea but when ya whack 3 rounds in a 2" circle at 100 yrds with an unmodified as built mosin,swedish M96 or a .303 enfield its kinda nice.

                now the M95 steyr straight pull carbines leave a tell tale mark on your shoulder.

                I got a 24/30 Venezuelan in 7X57 that will whack ya kinda hard if you aint ready.


                • #9
                  93602-20M02-00 wrist pin bearings...... Needed 93..... 1.79


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tweekster View Post
                    93602-20M02-00 wrist pin bearings...... Needed 93..... 1.79
                    Damn, all 93 need to be replaced?


                    • #11
                      I just can't bring myself to put the old ones back in there!

