My 1999 Yamaha 130 BETO has had minor problems in the past. Fuel pump diaphragm, timing etc.
I acquired the Yamaha 115-130 service manual and set it up according to factory specs.
(Carbs, Timing etc.) It starts and runs fine now. Fuel consumption is quite good, little or no smoke.
I have just one question...
I use the boat about twice a month in a fresh water river. With no passengers and only safety equipment on board, and on smooth water, at WOT it goes great! – Fifty + miles per hour at 5,600 revs.
From idle and in gear, if I open the throttle fairly quickly to take off, it has a slight hesitation (no misfire), before full power comes in, and then it takes off like a rocket. If I open the throttle normally, it goes fine.
I understand the motor is a 2 stroke and will be a bit rough, but from idle (750 rpm), up to about 1500 rpm the motor is rough and vibrates, although all cylinders are firing. After that it's smooth as a four stroke! Is this normal or...?
I did the whole setup according to the Yamaha service manual from the dial gauge on piston set up, sync and link, throttle cable, right down to idling adjustment and idle mixture screws at 9/10ths out from fully closed. Carbs have been stripped and cleaned, reset according to spec, timing and carb sync done. Fuel filter and water separator changed for new ones. Cleaned and flushed fuel tank. New NGK plugs. Compression test within spec.
All electrical connections checked and cleaned. Voltage reading = 14.8v @ 1000 rpm at the battery.
The boat is a fiberglass Challenger 16ft mono hull. New Yamaha 13 X 19 stainless propeller.
The motor has done 273 hours. Fuel is 93 octane unleaded (no ethenol), Lower octane is not available here in South Africa. I’m using Fuchs TCW-3 Outboard Oil.
Could someone from the panel throw some light on this? - It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks – Dennis.
I acquired the Yamaha 115-130 service manual and set it up according to factory specs.
(Carbs, Timing etc.) It starts and runs fine now. Fuel consumption is quite good, little or no smoke.
I have just one question...
I use the boat about twice a month in a fresh water river. With no passengers and only safety equipment on board, and on smooth water, at WOT it goes great! – Fifty + miles per hour at 5,600 revs.
From idle and in gear, if I open the throttle fairly quickly to take off, it has a slight hesitation (no misfire), before full power comes in, and then it takes off like a rocket. If I open the throttle normally, it goes fine.
I understand the motor is a 2 stroke and will be a bit rough, but from idle (750 rpm), up to about 1500 rpm the motor is rough and vibrates, although all cylinders are firing. After that it's smooth as a four stroke! Is this normal or...?
I did the whole setup according to the Yamaha service manual from the dial gauge on piston set up, sync and link, throttle cable, right down to idling adjustment and idle mixture screws at 9/10ths out from fully closed. Carbs have been stripped and cleaned, reset according to spec, timing and carb sync done. Fuel filter and water separator changed for new ones. Cleaned and flushed fuel tank. New NGK plugs. Compression test within spec.
All electrical connections checked and cleaned. Voltage reading = 14.8v @ 1000 rpm at the battery.
The boat is a fiberglass Challenger 16ft mono hull. New Yamaha 13 X 19 stainless propeller.
The motor has done 273 hours. Fuel is 93 octane unleaded (no ethenol), Lower octane is not available here in South Africa. I’m using Fuchs TCW-3 Outboard Oil.
Could someone from the panel throw some light on this? - It would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks – Dennis.
