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2009 yamaha t60 4stroke alarm at high rpm

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  • 2009 yamaha t60 4stroke alarm at high rpm

    New to the forum so please excuse my ignorance. I own twin t60 4strokes, both purchased brand new with my boat in 2009. They have had regular maintenance every 100 hours with fuel/water separator filters changed every 500 hrs.

    On my last fishing trip, I experienced the alarm coming on when I went from *****ing speed up to cruising speed (approx. 4000 to 4500 rpm). This did not happen every time I increased speed. Sometimes I was able to go full throttle and then after a bit, the alarm would come on again I think only on the port side engine. I would slow down, bringing both engines to idle, turn off the engine to stop the alarm, then restart both engines. Then I would increase to cruising speed and the engine might be fine for 10 minutes, then the alarm would sound again. I reasoned that if I could keep the nose up and the gas back in the tank, I could avoid the dirty gas and the alarm coming on, but if a wave caused my nose to come down, then the gas would slosh and the alarm would sound, the engine would sputter, and I would have to go through the process again. This seemed like it was making perfect sense, and I actually did cruise the last 5 miles straight in, keeping my nose up and had no further problems. Therefor, I really felt that the fuel was the problem.

    Thinking it was dirty fuel because I only have a 45 gal. tank and on long boat trips, I can get to the bottom of the tank, I changed my fuel/water filters again (it was time) and went on another fishing trip. This time, after *****ing for an hour at approx. 2900 rpm, and the engines running perfectly, I opened it up to cruising speed and once again, the port side alarm came on at 4000 rpm. The engine would sputter like it was starved for gas and I would bring it down to idle and everything was fine. I had to turn off the key to shut off the alarm, restart the engine but could only do *****ing speed. I had fresh high quality fuel in the boat with new fuel/water separator filters, so fuel was not the issue. I attempted cruising speed again, and once again, the alarm came on at around 4000 rpm. Not wanting to cause any damage, I stayed in *****ing speed all day until getting home.

    I initially thought perhaps I had a fuel injector problem, but after reading other posts, realize that it might be the water pump sensor. Can someone advise the proper steps to take to diagnose and correct my problems? Could it be a fuel injector that has a clog which only acts up at high rpm? I am clueless.

  • #2
    The only alarms for your motors are for either low oil pressure or over temperature. An alarm will sound if you try to crank the motor with the kill switch activated but this won't apply in your case.

    What kind of tachometers do you have? A Yam type may tell you if the alarm is for low oil pressure or over temperature.

    There is no alarm for dirty fuel. There is no water pump sensor.

    It is possible that a code has been set by your motor that will provide guidance as to what the problem may be. You can either buy a software program and cable to download engine data or you can get a Yam mechanic to download it for you.


    • #3
      Thanks for the advice

      I spoke w/ my yamaha repairman. He told me to check the fuel filter inside the motor which has an alarm sensor. He thought that it would have water in it for sure, but it did not. I emptied the contents into a plastic baggie and it appeared to be just clean gas. Any idea where I can purchase the software your were speaking of and the cable. It would be worth the investment since I own 2 yamaha's and they are my babies.
      Thanks once again for your suggestions. Of course my repairman will be willing to come trouble shoot it for me but the cost would be crippling. I should be able to take care of it myself with the software.....maybe!!


      • #4
        As per your question which tachs I have, I have the basic yamaha round tach with trim on the right side and set and mode buttons on btm. By the way, the trim indicator quit working early on and hasn't worked since. Stbd indicates properly, while port is totally off. Is there some way to re set the trim indicator so that I can use them again instead of looking backward over my shoulder trying to guesstimate whether my motors are trimmed evenly?


        • #5
          The water in fuel warning only sounds if there is water in the fuel filter cup (or if the sensor has failed) when the engine is in neutral.

          More than likely a sender is stuck or the sender cam is broken. The sender is located on the motor. On the clamp bracket. There are two sets of wires that exit the cowling. One set goes to the trim and tilt motor. The other set goes to the trim sender.

          You tachometers should have liquid crystal displays that illuminate to indicate if the warning horn is oil pressure or temperature related. When you next hear the horn look at the tachometer to see what it is telling you.

          Here is a place that sells the diagnostic cable and software.


          • #6
            Not sure of your MODEL # but here's the trim switch(for an F60), part # 31. I don't think your has a lever that rests against it (and usually breaks as its plastic) but peek at the switch for anything un-usual/loose to start with..

            2006 and Later F60JA Yamaha Outboard BRACKET 1 Diagram and Parts
            1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


            • #7
              Boscoe, that links shows the cable only.

              I looked and couldn't find the software(maybe just missed it). Is it on that page somewhere?

              I gather the software is specific to one particular engine or is it usable for other Yamaha's?
              1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


              • #8
                The software is for multiple Yams. Outboards and watercraft. I need to talk to Andy at SIM to find out where the software is. OP can call him as well.

                Last edited by boscoe99; 12-16-2014, 08:55 PM.

