I have a 75hp 4 stroke EFI that starts and idles fine. After running it for about 20 minuets at 5,000 RPMs, I reduced the speed it ran rough and stalled out. After 10 minutes I was able to start it and it ran fine but eventually did the same thing after running at or above 5,000 RPMs. Any help would be appreciated...Thanks
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75HP 4 Stroke stalls when lowering RPMS
Last year I had to replace the IAC and TPS. Is the IAC the same as the ISC? Odd thing is I took it out yesterday and everything ran fine. If there is an issue with the ISC or VST, would it be intermittent or would it always cause problems. Thanks for your response.
the rest of the known world calls it an IAC, stands for Idle Air Control.
Yamaha decided to call it an ISC, Idle stabilizer control.
same thing different names.
and yes they get wet and dirty and stick over time.