I have a 2006 Yamaha and having problems with the tilt and trim. It has been sticking in the up position the last few times I have taking it out. Generally I can get it to go down and it works fine while I am out on the water. It will go up and down fine. But when I raise it all the way up to trailer it home the next time I try to yes it it sticks. Now it won't go down at all. It just clicks. You can push the button to go up and you can hear it and it will move but when you push it down it just clicks. What can I check?
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06 Yamaha 150 tilt problems
you can hunt for hours for that 17mm hex plug.
however as it does not exist good luck with that easter egg hunt.
if the motor will run down but not up we know the motor and motor wiring is ok.
aint but two wires,
so we just eliminated that.
if the relay clicks in both up and down the control circuits are ok.
we just eliminated the switchs.
that simply doesn't leave much.
a further test, hook up a digital meter on the trim motor relay terminals.
hit up and hold 5-10 seconds, then hit down and hold the same.
you should see 12V one way and -12v the other.
that relay serves two functions, 1 it allows a very small current to control 25+ amps.
two it allows motor polarity reversing to turn the motor CW or CCW depending on if your going up or down.
capt solo.
either the OP needs to learn to type or you need to lean some reading comprehension.
low fluid level will not cause a click and failure to operate the motor.
the trim motor doesn't care if fluid is there or not.
it will run if the relay positions are correct.
IF the fluid level is low the leak MUST be fixed BEFORE an expensive failure not simply topped off now and again.
Originally posted by CaptSoloDear Rodbolt
I don't agree with your diagnostics this time.
moisture and other contaminates will cause more problems in the long run.
just like any other hydrolic system they are not built to leak they are sealed units
Low on fluid will keep a unit from going up all the way as it will start sucking air instead of fluid. I have no idea how it would keep it from going down.
Just because you put things into your T&T system to try and slow down all the leaks you have does not mean that is a proper way of fixing anything and you should think before offering that to others as a fix.
If you would fix them properly then there would be no need to add fluid multiple times a year and getting them contaminatedLast edited by 99yam40; 05-12-2014, 01:23 PM.
Still having issues
I checked the fluid ad it it's full.mother will tilt all the way up and go all the way down when I finally get it to move. Check again today and at first it would not move up or down. I kept pressing the tilt button and finally got it to work. at first it would go down but not up. Then it started working both ways. It had been 5 days since I had tried to us it. Still trying to figure it out!
as you were told you will need to be testing when it does not move to see where the problem is.
Sounds like relay or a connection
Problem fixed
Had time today to work on the problem. When I opened the fill cap and saw fluid coming out I thought it was full, but after checking closer it was not full so I added t&t fluid, let it set and then added more three more times bleeding the air after adding more fluid. Everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks for all the help!
A thread I found, not specific to this engine, I found very informative and may help in the future (post #3):
Leaking trim sealsScott
1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR