There are two parts to my post. Back in November I purchased a very clean boat and motor from a guy I knew. I've always found that the motor seemed to idle very rough, but runs great after idle. It actually sounds like it's running on 2 cylinders instead of three. He had recently replaced the water pump and for some reason had removed the thermostat.(I'm not really sure that a thermostat is required in South Lousiana waters)
Secondly, The last two times that I took the boat out, after about 3 or so minutes of running at 3/4 throttle, the motor suddenly quits pulling like its in neutral and goes to idle speed,(it is still running mind you) without touching the throttle. I pull the throttle back to neutral, slip it back into forward and everything is good. Anyone has any idea what's happening?
Secondly, The last two times that I took the boat out, after about 3 or so minutes of running at 3/4 throttle, the motor suddenly quits pulling like its in neutral and goes to idle speed,(it is still running mind you) without touching the throttle. I pull the throttle back to neutral, slip it back into forward and everything is good. Anyone has any idea what's happening?