A 2005 30 HP outboard engine cover is sun faded. What are the procedures to clean, prep, paint and install decals and does Yamaha sell at their dealers everything necessary to complete the work?
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Engine Cover Sun Fade
With no replies here I would suggest trying other boards - Bass Boat Central is one, bass boat owners treat their boats like art sometimes. Or The Hull Truth. You will find lots of ideas like sources for custom decals that may tickle your fancy or move you to design your own.
Me, I'd take the thing to a good auto body shop or boat repair fiberglass shop - but that's me. I have found that often the best tool to use is a check. Good luck. Oh, and yes, you can get OEM decals, search for them on the net if you can't find them on this site.
Wet sand and paint
Remove the decals.
Wetsand the paint smooth. If it is just faded all you need is 1000 grit wet n dry light sanding to just dull the glaze so the new paint has something to grip.
Repair / fill any dents, dings. I'd use west systems epoxy and west microlite. Remember if you can feel it, you'll see it in your new shiny paint job.
I'd also carefully either remove or hold back the rubber seal so the new paint goes under the gasket when you are done. I'd remove any bolt on painted piece attached and paint it separate.
I'd use a quality automotive two part acrylic polyurethane like Imron by Dupont or Omni if on a budget. A quart should do it three of four times over. Bring that piece of unbolted engine cowl part, they can probably color match something inside that is not sun faded. Also talk to them if they recommend a clear coat. Do they suggest that you clearcoat over the decals?
Yamaha factory decals should be available here at boats.net for your engine.
Look up your make/model number and then look at UPPER COWLING for your desired decal. There is probably a you tube video or two on installing your decals straight and bubble free. Probably a you tube video on using a spray gun too, if your not familiar. Remember to practice and adjust your gun on something else before you go at your goal. Harbor freight tools has a few cheap China made clone spray guns that work pretty good for a few time use.
While your at it, consider a Yamaha factory soft engine cover. Just don't install it for a week or two after your paint job. The paint can continue to dry that long.
Enjoy the fruit of your labor. Remember, no one cares about your stuff like you do.If its got teats or tires, you bound to have trouble with it....
Yamaha dealers sell the paint and clear coat to match the factory color.
I did mine and it turned out nice. It takes a lot of time to do the sanding prep but a very satisfying end product.
I did not apply new decals and it has a nice stealth look. It turned out so good, my fishing buddies thought I had repowered the boat.