Ok this is the problem... I have a 1996 s200txru and this things seem to be drinking fuel, not sure if this normal for this model of motor or if there may be a bigger problem could it be the fuel pumps? I have no idea when they were last changed. And I cant find the fuel specs any where thanks for the help.
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S200TXRU Fuel Pump
You are going to need to supply more info, in order to get some help.
What fuel burn do you see? mpg, gph, etc.
Do you have fuel flow sensor and guage? If so, what are you getting for gph and what RPM, and what MPH?
I have 2 of the same engines, and they are not bad on fuel IMO.
Example on my boat - 4000 rpm, 32mph...my burn is 19.4 gallons per hour combined.
Yeah I have a flow scan also on my boat I never really paid that much attention to it but when I have I am burning around 15 gal per hour that running WOT which I bet is my main issue?
basically it takes X amount of gas to make X amount of HP at any given RPM.
on 99% of all 2 strokes the fourmula is 1 GPH per 10 HP at its rated HP.
in the case of a 200 hp two stroke it will burn roughly 20 gallons per hour at or near its rated HP.
works for most 4 strokes as well.
my F150 will burn about 6GPH at 3400 RPM running about 30 MPH.
push da hammer.
now at 5300 I am running 42 MPH but my fuel burn is 15.7 GPH.
flow meter took my fun away.
Yeah.... fuel flow meter is fun buster for sure.
5600 rpm for me = 48mph which shows a nice 43+ gph
Thanks for the feed back so how often do most of you guys change your fuel pumps? Is there any obvious signs and new boater would over look? Thanks again.
Fuel pumps usually last some time. I actually replaced mine (all 4 of them) last summer. Diaphrams in them were all wore out.
Mine engines are also 1996. I bought boat used, so didnt know their history. If mine were original, then I would say replace yours, based on time.
If you go with OEM parts. The OEM fuel pump is very reasonable, compared to the OEM rebuild kit. Around $40 each. Cheap fix, as sold on this site.
If your fuel pump(s) are bad, you likely will have other symptoms occurring though. Such as the engine running out of fuel under load. Less than $100 bucks, and some time, can rule out any doubts.