I have a 1985 9.9hp Yamaha 4 stroke that had a new water pump installed about 30 hours of use. It has a tell tale that after the pump was installed peas like a race horse. My problem" I started it last week as always every time I use the boat just to make sure the engine runs even though it is a pony motor. The tell tale was shooting water like normal. One week later I used the boat and now no tale water coming out other than a trickle. Checked hoses, tell tale plastic connector and supply screen without any luck of a problem. I have a hard time believing it is the water pump. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
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No tell tale on 9.9hp Help ?
I did put wire through all lines and ports. Compressed air sounds like a good thing to try. I will try it tomorrow morning.
Thanks for the suggestion.
If this post is not to old, be carefull the constricter might have had the purpose to limit the amount of water wasted on the tell tale to allow sufficient water to circulate for cooling. ie an excessive tell tale flow means a large part of the water being pumped is going out.