I have this 225 and when im on plain she will cut out as if you've pulled the kill cord , put her into neutral and she fires right up and runs . Sometimes at a lower rpm she will stay running and at a higher rpm she will shut down . I took the high press pump off and it seems to be leaking at the bottom where I guess theres an internal seal .Anybody got and ideas ?
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2000 OX66 225 cutting out
Cutting Out
Check out my thread "OX66 problem". My motor was experiencing something similar to yours. If you're doing the work yourself, buy the service manual and test harnesses. I found a number of small issues and fixed them, but did not find the major problem. Ultimately I had to bring her to a tech due to my lack of knowledge. In the end, I learned that my stator was breaking down and needed replacement. Seems most of the more knowledgeable folks here thought that it would have to be the pulsar coil (made sense to me also), but definitely the stator. Both tests are simple to check, but you need test harnesses. Good Luck.
on an OX66, pulser would affect ONE cyl.
stator charge coils 3 cyl>
careful what ya read on the net or watch on the you tube.
except Brhama beer turtle commercials.
See my prior thread-seems like similar symptoms.
I have put on 30 hours since pickuptube had a hole added with no issued