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Blue wire - is it used in bystarter outboards?

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  • Blue wire - is it used in bystarter outboards?

    I have a 2004 F60 outboard. I'm just putting the electrical together - and noticed that the blue wire on the engine side had been cut flush with the end of the protective casing of the cable assembly. When I pulled on it a bit to expose it slightly, it came out the rest of the way. The piece was about 2" long and was not connected on the other end (where it goes into the 10 pin connector).

    Since my engine uses a bystarter (i.e. no choke), and because the blue cable appears to be for a choke solenoid on models so equipped (and activated by depressing the key) - am I ok without the blue wire?

    Or, is it used to provide power to the bystarter system?


  • #2
    Not sure what is meant by bystarter.

    A 2004 F60 has carburetors. Four of them. Two of the four have a fuel enrichment device to facilitate a cold start. They are known as a primestart assembly.

    There are two blue wires in the ten pin harness. The lighter shade of blue one is used for up trim. The darker blue one is used to activate a choke solenoid for those motors that are equipped with a solenoid activated choke.

    This wire is not used on your motor.


    • #3
      Thanks boscoe99 - I used a term from my motorcycle and its start enrichening system. It is the primestart to which I refer as the bystarter.

      Good to know that wire is not used for my engine - didn't want to have to replace an engine cable assembly. Sadly though, it looks like the cable from the 703 control to the engine is bad - only 5 of the 10 pins show conductivity - the other 5 are showing as open. No idea how that happened (I acquired cable) - hopefully I can repair as opposed to replace, those things are expensive!

      Thanks again.


      • #4
        If you need just the 703 control box harness it is available separately as a replacement.

        For a Yam part the price is not as bad as first thought.


