I have a 1992 115 Yamaha. When I run the motor wide open, the throttle will come back on its own. I have to hold it down with my hand. Is there an adjustment? The control has no number on it. Also, the up/down button will not work for the up position. The button on the motor works fine. Any suggestions?
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Yamaha Throttle and Gear Control
Yes there is a throttle friction screw you can adjust. If it's a side mount control box (703), the screw is lactated on front of control box. If it's a binnacle control box (704) the screw is lactated under the plastic cover on top of box, remove cover and screw will on rear of box at bottom. Tighten screw until throttle lever stays in position.
The cover should come off but maybe stuck if you've never had it off before. The trim/tilt switch on the throttle lever is probably dirty or has a little corrosion on the contacts. If you're good with tools you can disassemble the switch and clean it out. Or you may be able to just spray some contact cleaner into it and work it some and get it to start working.
Sometimes that cover will make you say stuff you may not want repeated. If you look at base of cover you will see 2 small holes on each side with pins in it. You have to squeze cover by pushing in on the front and back to pop off of the pins. Do one side and when doing other side you have to push in and pull up at same time. The new Premium 704 control box has a rubber plug that covers that screw, you might check if it has plug first before removing cover.