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Oil tank (Engine) over flowing

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  • Oil tank (Engine) over flowing

    The motor is a 2001 VZ200TLRZ with about 600 hours.

    The problem is that the oil tank on the engine over fills and drains in to the air baffle.

    Over the last couple of months I've replaced both the oil level sensor and the strainer and also replaced the foam gasket at the bottom of the strainer. The float on the sensor is free to float properly and I can see nothing making it hang up.

    Any ideas on what else it could be?

    Thank you!

  • #2
    Does the problem happen all of the time? That is, does the remote tank oil pump run whenever the key switch is turned on?

    You really haven't provided enough information for a complete understanding of exactly what is going on.

    If the sensor is known to be working correctly, and if the pump runs continuously, then here are some things that it might be.

    - Open wire from the top sensor switch to the ECU. The ECU is not getting a ground signal from the oil sensor and keeps the pump on.

    - No ground source to the oil tank sensor. Again, if the sensor cannot tell the ECU that it sees a ground when the float is at the top then the ECU will tell the pump to keep running. If this were the problem though I think you might see some indications on your Yamaha tachometer.

    - Shorted to ground blue wire to the remote tank pump. As long as the blue wire has a ground reference the pump will run.

    - Finally, the ECU might have failed internally and is applying a ground reference to the blue wire which causes the pump to continue to run.


    • #3
      Boscoe99, I appreciate your advice.

      The remote pump does not run continuously when the key is in the ON position. Day before yesterday I drained the engine oil tank to below the lower line and watched as I ran the motor on the hose. The oil level came up to a height mid-way between the upper and lower lines and stayed there as the motor ran for another 10 minutes. I've done the same test in the past with the same approximate result, although usually the level comes up to the upper line.

      Yesterday I ran the boat/motor on Tampa Bay for about 1 1/2 hours to find the oil had overflowed.

      A friend was just over and I showed the sensor/screen assembly to him and he remarked that the foam casket on the bottom of the screen was compressed to about half it's new size and indeed it is. How important is it for that little foam washer to be uncompressed?

      Does what I just detailed eliminate the possibility of a fault in the ECU?

      Once again, thank you.



      • #4
        The fact that it sometimes does it and sometimes not has got me.

        Maybe the blue wire is shorting to ground some times and some times not, which will cause the pump to run if and when it is shorted.

        The gasket at the bottom of the screen/strainer would not have anything to do with it overfilling on an intermittent basis.


        • #5
          Tracing and inspecting the blue wire will be my next tact. Thanks and I'll write more when I know more.


          • #6
            I got to thinking (dangerous I know) but another possibility is that the toggle switch is intermittently failing to the on position. It is normally spring loaded to the off position. If it is defective it could cause the pump to come on by applying a ground to the pump.

            Disconnect the blue and black wires going to the toggle switch (bullet connectors) and see if the problem goes away or is still there.


            • #7
              Good thinking Boscoe. I'll give that a try too.

              Thanks again~



              • #8
                Problem solved....I think. And the problem was mine.

                Yesterday I went to a Yamaha dealer to buy a replacement foam washer for the bottom of the screen and quite incidently learned that the screen fits only one way on to the top portion of the sensor, and that there are "nubs" that fit in to corresponding holes in the screen's top. Once I assembled it properly, it seems to be working correctly and I will water test it tomorrow to confirm.

                Thanks for your help Boscoe and hopefully this will be of help to someone down the line that encounters the same problem.


                • #9
                  Here you go, if still needed.


                  • #10

                    Would you kindly tell me where you accessed the diagram of the oil tank sensor/screen that you posted? I have one of the digital service manuals (for my 200hpdi) on my computer but your image is much more detailed than the one contained in my manual.

                    By the way, my oil tank overflow problem is indeed remedied and I am grateful for your advice.

                    Thank you!


                    • #11
                      Did someone ask you to remove your helpful pics?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tonynorie View Post
                        Problem solved....I think. And the problem was mine.

                        Yesterday I went to a Yamaha dealer to buy a replacement foam washer for the bottom of the screen and quite incidently learned that the screen fits only one way on to the top portion of the sensor, and that there are "nubs" that fit in to corresponding holes in the screen's top. Once I assembled it properly, it seems to be working correctly and I will water test it tomorrow to confirm.

                        Thanks for your help Boscoe and hopefully this will be of help to someone down the line that encounters the same problem.
                        Older post to the top. By the screen are you referring to the strainer that the sensor fits into meaning it all needs to align perfectly?

                        I am asking because I have a similar problem as you and have ordered a new sender. I have noticed that it sometimes happens to me when I hit the key and the motor is trimmed up close to the tilt point. Sometimes when it happens the oil pump turns on and fills up to overflow. If I pull the float out manually and slide it up and down all works fine. I have noticed that they seem to need to set in just right.


                        • #13
                          dunno, over the years there have been 5 DIFFERENT versions of v motor precision blend.
                          without a model number we have no clue which system you have,
                          that's why posting a NEW thread with a MODEL number is so very nice.
                          yet folks wont.

