I just went to prime my engines for the first time after the winter and noticed one of the bulbs I couldn't get to stay hard. I did manage to get fuel to the engines and they started and ran with no problem. When I went to check the primer bulbs while the engines were running one of them was soft and lost it shape. My question is should I change this bulb or leave it, does it sound like it went bad? Yamaha twin 200 hpdi's.
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Fuel primer bulb
Assuming this is a Yamaha bulb, kind of doubt the bulb is bad. Theyr'e made better than most. I always thought a collapsed bulb indicated a restriction BEFORE the bulb not after.1999 Grady Sailfish SX225 OX66
1998 Grady Tigercat S200 lightening strike (totalled)
Are both engines fed off the same tank?
Start by opening the fill cap for the tank. If the bulb then works properly the tank vent is clogged.
Is the water seperator filter new?
If good then you need to check the fuel hose from tank to filter and filter to bulb. How old are the hoses?
If hoses check out then the anti siphon valve and then the pickup in the tank.
Last is sludge in tank clogging pickup.
Start at the source and work towards the bulb or from the bulb towards the tank, Your choice.
A vaccuum gauge would be handy too.
Primer buld
Change for a new ones, some of the Yamaha primer build have problem I was having problems with my for weeks, on my 2013 Sailfish 270CC; until I change then and problems solved....Is good to check the filters water-gas separators just in case, if they are cleans, then you such replace all primers build......Good lock
Turn the primer bulb around so the arrow faces the tank, and give it a squeeze.
It should tell if a restriction and possibly blow the crud off of the tank pickup.
I remember as a kid, back in the eighties, I had an OMC bulb that the shuttle valve in the bulb got loose and I could feel it in there. At one point it got turned around and stopped fuel flow. I don't think that is the case, but mention that things like that can happen.
I don't want to be master of the obvious, but did you install the new bulb with the arrow facing the engine?If its got teats or tires, you bound to have trouble with it....