I purchased a new Skeeter with a 175 HPDI on it. Since day one it has leaked 2 stroke oil onto the jack plate. I took the boat in to the dealership after a couple hrs and was advised that until I got passed the 5hr break-in period it would double pump oil for the break-in, hence the reason for the "overflow" of oil. OK?...after 5 hrs I began to run the engine at normal rpms from idle to peak rpms. After 10 hrs I still had oil leaking from inside the cowl running onto the jackplate and returned it to the dealership but they could find no reason i.e. loose hoses, filler cap issues or anything. I can tilt the engine all the way up and no oil leaks from the reservoir tank or leaks from the cap. I even replaced the O ring on the airbox and all hoses are connected leading from the oil line to the airbox with no oil leaks around any of them, it appears the oil is coming from the bottom of the airbox. Is there a possible defect issue with the airbox? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks Skeeter67
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Yami oil leak at cowl 175 HPDI
post the engine model number.
the airbox will collect any blowback oil from the reed cage.
find a REAL dealership that has a master tech.
the HPDI does NOT and NEVER has used double oil.
you been blown a smoke job.
please find a real tech.
Thanks rodbolt..the engine is a 2011 model # VZ175TLR. After a few visits to my Yamaha dealership ( Alabama ) I am tired of the "smoke screen"...Just tired of the Merc guys laughing at the oil spill they see on the jackplate and transom.
I have no idea if this is an updated list, but it is a place to start looking for a good Yamaha dealer that has a Master tech
Outboard training - Master Technician
the airbox on that VZ175 serves two functions.
1 it dampens the reedbox air noise.
2 it collects any spitback oil from the shutters and feeds it to the crankcase via the gray tube at the bottom of the airbox.
if the tube is off it dumps spit back into the cowl.
if the airbox halves are not sealed it leaks.
if the engine oil tank switch assy has not been properly installed it can leak when the engine is tilted.
most all multi cyl 2 stroke over about 40 hp have the spit back issue and tubes on the airbox to recirc it.
thanks again Rodbolt... I have puddles of oil every time I park the boat in my garage and yes it seems to happen mostly when the engine is tilted. I will double check all the hoses again to make sure I have not overlooked or missed one that is not hooked up. Best I remember there are two hoses going to the airbox....again, thank you for you time and knowledge....
the gray hose,lower on the airbox,goes to the intake.
the black hose,upper,is the engine oil tank vent line.
oil leak at cowl
I have the same problem , I just bought a skeeter tzx195 175 hpdi Yamaha .
Oil is dripping in the back plate when tilted after being ran .
that is not a reason to drag up an old thread if you are looking for help that this thread did not cover, start your own thread with all info
actually, I am a Yamaha master tech.
I have seen more Z and VZ motors than most any three techs.
typically either the drain line is off the airbox,the airbox isn't sealed or the engine tank cap is leaking.
happens on some 4 strokes on the box sealing.
My 2 cents. Make sure the remote tank is not higher than the engine tank. Oil will siphon through.
Originally posted by vmax1751 View PostWell I'm taking my to the experts .
Qualify Yamaha tech . And ain't letting no knows the fix .
Anyone understand what he typed?
So there was a Oil pump Buliten where the pump was over oiling. Buliten has the pump # on it.Mike Scott
oil leak
If the oil has been moving from the remote tank to the engine tank either with the motor running or using the manual transfer switch(EFI), the oil will slowly continue to siphon through even after motor is off and move through the overflow hose into the air silencer(then leak into cowling) if the remote tank is higher than the engine tank. I know this from personal experence. Laws of gravity!