Just wanted to post this info for others. This is on an VX250tlrc. My motor ran fine one weekend then the next time out off the trailer it was missing badly and would not throttle up to get on plane. Took it to a Yamaha shop and they found there is a micro switch that cuts out the #2+4 cylinders when you go to take it out of gear. Disconnected the switch and it ran fine . The switch was cutting out the cylinders all the time. Ordered a new switch (from Boats.net) and all is well. The switch is located under the throttle linkage on the starboard side of motor and used on alot of different models of motors. I guess the pupose is to take some pressure off of the gears when going out of gear. Hope this will be useful for others as this forum has been a big help to me.
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250 OX66 problem solved FYI
its called a shift cut switch, most outboards and sterndrives using a shift clutch use this system.
it allows the clutch to disengage the dogs on the gear.
however,on the OX66 3.1L engines that are VX models the shift cut switch missfires ALL cylinders.
the VX models do NOT use CCS.
all 6 cylinders spark al the time regaurdless of engine RPM.
unlike the saltwater series SX 3.1L.
there is some confusion on the ign operation between the VX and SX 3.1L models.
the S and SX use CCS which cuts of 1 to 2 cylinders below about 1800 RPM. the VX models do not use CCS and fire al six all the time,unless the shift cut switch is activated.
the s, sx and vx use a shift cut switch.