I have a 1984 Yamaha 90HP. Great motor by the way, learned on here this was first yr in USA. I had never replaced the fuel line but decided to after our tow rope caught the motor end clip (for hose) and broke it off. Bought OEM complete hose assembly with priming bulb. Cut hose for water seperater filter and hose clamped on. Installed new water filter too. The problem is this assembly will not prime. I squease the bulb and hear noises like it is pushing air into motor but I am not getting anywhere. Tried this for a couple hrs yesterday. I am at lake Havasu for a couple of more days to try things. What comes to mind is I don't think there is a check valve to keep the air from going back and forth when I squease the bulb. The bulb has an arrow pointing at the motor. Ends fit onto connections real nice so I am sure they are sealed. Tried to run the motor a few quick times on starting fluid to try getting the fuel pump to take over. Bulb and all the new hose feels empty of any fuel. Tank is full of fresh fuel. Any thoughts on how to prime this system?
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New fuel line and water sep not getting primed
Thx for reply. Yes it is OEM in clear Yamaha bag when bought. Bulb is 2 ft from motor. Water filter was cut in another 2ft up stream and the rest aprox 4ft to the plastic tesco (I think is the name) tank. I will try holding the bulb vertical with the arrow facing up. I have two tankes so I will also try the other one (something I did not do yesterday). Seems like ck valves to me. Maybe so new and dry they are not seating well enough. So there are two check valves, one on each end of bulb?
Primer bulb has a ball check valve in each end, shake bulb up and down to free up balls so it'll work properly as a small hand-operated fuel pump.
With both hose sides of the primer bulb empty, it will not prime. The output side needs to have resistance. Disconnect the output side of the primer bulb and hold you finger over the end and pump the bulb. You'll feel it sucking. Soon as it squirts some gas out the output side of the bulb reconnect the hose. Pump till it gets hard. Be sure to follow up so we see if that did it.1999 Grady Sailfish SX225 OX66
1998 Grady Tigercat S200 lightening strike (totalled)
Ok got it going. My bad, and thx for the replies. I added some oil to the dry water filter gasket, had to tighten as tight as I could by hand to get it to seal. I ended up connecting line connectors to both tanks to figure out I was pressurizing the fed tank with air as vent was hissing air.
Water filter was leaking gas after oiling gasket so that is why I had to tighten more. Takes a mercury filter. Not leaking anymore so I think I got it. Tthinking about changing the cast body for this filter to get a new surface to tighten to.
Thanks again everyone.