First hello board I am glad I found this, it is great. I have done a search already and I have tried everything listed even before signing on. I have a 2006 F250TRX, here is what is happening. About a year ago was comming in from an offshore trip, for apparently no reason alarm sounds and safty cuts in at same time, no water from indicator, fiddled around with it and powered up after a bit with no problems, about 3 months ago striper season water temps were 48ish, same thing again but this time it took longer to clear up. Then again no problems on the next few outings. (It stays in the water, and yes I am anial about backflushing engine*salt*) Pulled boat, went to a fresh water lake a few times no problems, then the last time a few weeks ago it did it again but this time when idleing, under power no issue, when slow *****ing= issue, it over heats (forgot to ad after the first time water has been comming from indicator) Now at the lake the indication water was cool same as lake temp. in the past water comming from indicator has been hot-warm. So, bring her home, this is what I have replaced -the impler including housing ect.,,both thermostats and the andoes the therms and andoes looked very good, also replaced the PRV the old one looked good as well, I expected to see it clogged up or stuck but nope looked good. Also replaced spark plugs they look great as well. I have a barrel here that the engine will fit into instead of muffs which are not recommended. I ran it at 2,000 RPM for quite a while no problem, then took it to idle for about 10 min or so, no problem, but as I was walking up to shut her down temp alarm goes off, what the heck!! cked water stream out of indicator and also upper exh/water vent and everything is looking good, I have water flow. The stream was warm this time but not hot. I am very mech. and usually don't get stumped, this one has me on my knees crying LOL HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Mystery overheating issue
Get your hands on a infrared temp gun and shoot the heads at different points to see if you can find a real over-temp while alarm sounds.
may need to pull temp sensors and test to see if they are working in spec.
Could have a passage plugged causing hot spot
I did that right after I posted, ck this out-when I went back out i started it, no water from the indicator, gave a quick rev and water showed. After about 5 min. alarm went off, I was cking temps all over looking for an abnorm, nothing really a few degrees here and there, now when the alarm sounded I disconnected the sensors the starboard was the culprit. Temp ck on top of cyl head was 209-187. Shut it down and for kicks I switched the sensors. Started back up and a few min later, alarm again cking temps with infra red, both sides were up to 210, water flow in my OP was a little below norm. But, all cooling components changed correctly, argggggg
I believe the over temp comes in about 200 Deg F
So you have a real overheat problem.
Either pump is not pumping like it should or you are loosing some of the flow due to dumping some of the water before it gets to the block and heads or you have some blockage in the cooling passages
Originally posted by 99yam40 View PostI believe the over temp comes in about 200 Deg F
So you have a real overheat problem.
Either pump is not pumping like it should or you are loosing some of the flow due to dumping some of the water before it gets to the block and heads or you have some blockage in the cooling passages