Hallo Everybody
I'm looking for new Yamaha-decals/stickers to the engine-cover for a 60 HP Yamaha from 1986, 2-stroke, 3 cylinder.
Here is a picture of the decals: peecee.dk | Vis upload Yahama_Stickers_Redi..jpg
And here is a picture of the type-plate: peecee.dk | Vis upload Billede_1.JPG
Do anyone know about it still is possible to buy these stickers anymore? And where?
I have try Boats.net, but they don't have it.
Best regards,
Frederik, Denmark

I'm looking for new Yamaha-decals/stickers to the engine-cover for a 60 HP Yamaha from 1986, 2-stroke, 3 cylinder.
Here is a picture of the decals: peecee.dk | Vis upload Yahama_Stickers_Redi..jpg
And here is a picture of the type-plate: peecee.dk | Vis upload Billede_1.JPG
Do anyone know about it still is possible to buy these stickers anymore? And where?
I have try Boats.net, but they don't have it.

Best regards,
Frederik, Denmark