Cannot Start port engine. To start off with I jumped the two brown wires at the neutral safety switch, and no start. With my light tester attached to the negative on the battery and sticking it into the brown wire coming out of the key switch it lights up when I go to turn the key the light goes off. So at this point I am at a stand still and cannot figure out why the engine will not start there is power going through the key switch it was when I push the key and I can hear the choke clicking at the engine.... Also this is very weird with the light tester connected to the negative on the battery and I watch the 704 control box it lights up is that normal but when I disconnect the red shift cable out of the 704 box it does not light up anymore my question is. Is there supposed to be current going through the red cable that connects to the 704 box.......... I would really appreciate some help on this issue..The year on the boat and engine is 1998..
Thank you very much
Thank you very much