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90 TLRT Overheating

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  • 90 TLRT Overheating

    I have a '96 90hp Yamaha outboard w/ ~400hrs (90TLRT). Having a problem overheating. Am running in driveway w/ lower unit in a tub of water w/ inlets completely submerged. Sequence of events:
    1) Weak flow during winter layup.
    2) Spring start weak flow and alarm sounded. Shut-down immediately.
    3) Checked lines and outlet, all clear.
    4) Replaced impeller w/ OEM rebuild kit, although old "looked" fine. Blew air (mouth, not compressed) through outlet tube that attaches to grommet in impeller case, no apparent obstruction.
    5) Re-assembled and started, no flow.
    6) Checked thermostat in pan of hot water, opens at ~130F (although thermometer was not very good, but thermostat did open)
    7) Re-assembled, flow.
    8) In an act of frustration, somewhere between 5 and 6 I disconnected outlet hose, blew air into hose bubbled out of inlet grate. Tried to suck water through hose, envisioned a mouthful of nasty, and stopped. I started up and smoke (H2o vapor or exhaust…not sure) came out of outlet.

  • #2
    It's not deep enough in water. The water pump has to be completely(not a self priming pump) submerged in water. The anticavitation plate needs to be 4 or 5 inches under water.
    Yamaha Outboard Parts

