I have an '04 2301 WA Striper with a '04 Yamaha OX66 200 HP 2 Stroke outboard. This week after the engine ran fine all summer, I had the low oil warning buzzer come on and the motor drop to 2000 RPM to conserve oil. I knew my oil level in the remote tank was fine as I had filled it two days before and checked prior to departing the dock and it was 3/4 full. After limping back to the dock @ 1800 rpm I removed the cowling to find the oil level in the power head oil tank was below the lower limit of the two lines marked on the powerhead oil tank. I figured that the liftpump on the remote tank had gone bad but when I took the sensor out of the powerhead oil tank the lift pump on the remote oil tank kick on and pumped the oil back to the upper limit. However after I ran the engine for a shakedown, I came back to port and found the oil to be between the lower limit and the upper limit on the powerhead tank. My question is do I still have a problem or does the lift pump only kick on after the oil has reached the lower limit as indicated by the two lines marked on the powerhead oil tank? The sensor appears to be good as it does kick the lift pump in when taken out of the tank and the float allowed to drop to the bottom of the sensor. The owner of my marina felt that I might have a problem with the viscosity of the oil as the temperature had just dropped below freezing for the first time the night before and that this was possibly causing an issue with the float on the sensor not floating properly. Also I had used a generic TCW3 oil instead of the YamaLube since my dealer was out of YamaLube when I filled the tank the day before. Any ideas, I thought about pumping out the oil in both the powerhead oiltank and the remote tank and replacing with YamaLube if this is the issue. Please advise if anybody has had this same issue or has any ideas. I'd like to get back out on the water while the Blues & Striper fishing is still hot and heavy as it's been here in NJ over the past three weeks.
The Professor
'04 2301 WA Striper
'04 200 HP OX 66 @ Stroke Outboard
The Professor
'04 2301 WA Striper
'04 200 HP OX 66 @ Stroke Outboard