Should I run the gas out of my motor when I put it on the trailer. The time between next use is no longer than a month but mostly a couple of weeks. I always did this on my 2 stroke dirt bikes and never had a problem. I used to do this on my old e-rude and I was having to rebuild the carb untill i quit running out the gas and problem went away. Also, what about ring free or seafoam. Should I be useing one of these. Well just wanted to know what yall do. Thanks Joe
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Running gas out of 90 hp 2 stroke
If it's a month or more between usage then use fuel conditioner(stabilizer) in gas to keep it fresh. You don't have to run it out of gas if it's only a couple of weeks or monthly.
Seafoam is a name brand,although we all know what we mean when we say it. You are looking for seafoam motor treatment. Seafoam also markets other lubricants/cleaners. The motor treament removes carbon buildup and cleans fuel and oil passages. I use the treatment once at the end of the season as a preventive maintenance meassure. Ring Free is a Yamaha product recommended for use. This is more for an every day use to help keep combustion surfaces free from carbon build up. It is also a de-carbonizer. Another good preventive meassure. I strongly recommend them both. Do not use over-doses of either product, they work really good as directed. I Have a 2001 four stroke carbed engine. Started useing both products at 100 hours and it is amazeing when I pull a plug at the end of the season and it still looks new. As far as running the tank empty this is a preference you can or can not use. I myself always keep the tank at about 1/2 full or more depending on how much I plan on useing it that day. The ethanol gas doesn't seem to keep well. When I winterize the motor I add stabilizer then run engine for 15 minutes to allow it to get well into carbs, shut it down and then pump out remaining gas with boat on an incline.
[ December 26, 2006, 08:33 PM: Message edited by: Bay Catt ]