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Dielectric Compound on Electrical Connections

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  • Dielectric Compound on Electrical Connections


    I am doing some work on my 2005 F115TLRD and had to take the intake out. There are many electrical plugs and connections. My question is, when I reassemble, should I apply dielectric compound to the connections? I have always used dielectric compund of the electrical connections on my vehicles.



  • #2
    I have never used dielectric on any of my boats. My reason why is that because the ohms and voltage on outboards is so sensitive that I think it may interfer with the proper funtions. Not to mention the fact that salt water produces a negative charge in itself. All of you wire grommets should already be water tight, however you could use heat shrink tubeing to further protect them. I do this that way I am positive there will be no electrical interference. Why take the chance?


    • #3
      Buy the way, on any screw type terminals there is a silicone base protective coating that you can pick up at any auto parts store. Or you can purchase the marine grade on-line. I just buy mine at an auto parts store because I change it at the end of the season each year.


      • #4

        I posed the question because I have always been told by seasoned mechanics to use DC for the following reasons: waterproofs, prohibits corrosion, and provides a better contact. There was no DC on the connections when I took them apart so I will most likely not use any on reassembly but I did want to pose the question. EH.


        • #5
          I'd spray them with some CRC 226. It has better electrical /electronic properties.

          Good stuff !

