Hey all,
My yamaha 2002 130hp TRLA has started "boging" bad out of the hole. It is sometimes hard to get on plane and will die if I don't back off the throttle and try again. I know its running rich because when I apply the choke (push the key in) when it's bogging it gets much worse and stalls. I thought I fixed it with new plugs, can of spray carb. cleaner, and seafoam in the tank, but it returned the second time I went out. Any advice/solutions?
My yamaha 2002 130hp TRLA has started "boging" bad out of the hole. It is sometimes hard to get on plane and will die if I don't back off the throttle and try again. I know its running rich because when I apply the choke (push the key in) when it's bogging it gets much worse and stalls. I thought I fixed it with new plugs, can of spray carb. cleaner, and seafoam in the tank, but it returned the second time I went out. Any advice/solutions?