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Fairdeal back in Big Pine Key?

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  • Fairdeal back in Big Pine Key?

    WeatherBug is showing 95 degrees there. Pretty hot for the keys, no?

  • #2
    It's still summer down here....

    95 is hot for south Florida anytime, it's usually slightly cooler.
    1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR


    • #3
      Got back here yesterday afternoon - looks like a war zone.
      But the power company was on my street, and by evening electric was back on.

      The weather today was gorgeous -

      I don't think it got as high as 90, humidity isn't too bad, and some breeze.

      Irma blew out about 25% of my vinyl soffit, and seems some rain blasted in around the windows - but otherwise no major damage to the house.

      Spent the day cleaning the muck and wet stuff out of my ground level enclosure - got exactly 18 inches of stinking water inside there.

      Didn't take a look yet at the F225 out on the dock. Seems the surge rose above the level of the lower cowling - so I may have some electrical damage.


      • #4
        the sewer back up in the houses I have helped clean out was the worst thing.
        are the keys on septic or is there sewer plants for the housing areas?
        salt water coming thru may not be as bad as the rain/river flooding we had.

        heard of people using pumps and fire hoses to wash out the lower ground areas as the water receded down here
        Last edited by 99yam40; 09-23-2017, 08:35 PM.


        • #5
          Photos needed.


          • #6
            House looks good from the street - just 1 of my 11 coconut trees down

            the major damage was loss of vinyl soffit panels

            the ground level storage/shop -
            which I had packed with every loose object before I evac'd -
            was quite the shambles.
            But anything 18" above the floor was undamaged


            • #7
              fortunately I left the generator (Yamaha!) on top of table -
              and almost all my tools/tooling were stored >18" off the floor.

              pstephens will be glad to see my old F225 exhaust stack parts were protected from the storm....

              The Sailfish stayed strapped down to the dock - but with the Yamaha tilted -
              that may have allowed water to enter the engine was high enough to fill the splashwell with debris


              • #8
                How about your other boat and motor?

                and how well does a chainsaw work on those coconut trees?

                how many coconuts does a tree produce and what do you do with them?


                • #9
                  I am thinking the old exhaust could be used for coconut storage.

                  Seriously, congrats so far on having most everything relatively intact. Betting the F225 is fine too. Maybe pull the silencers and look for water stains? Good fresh water rinse on everything... or maybe leave for insurance adjuster inspection.

                  Hopefully those pesky keys deer swam to another island somewhere....
                  Last edited by pstephens46; 09-24-2017, 10:01 AM.


                  • #10
                    the Whaler did just fine under the house - with only 18" of water inside the enclosure behind it, I imagine it saw just a few inches higher - possibly not enough to float it, even if I hadn't chained it down

                    The F225 had seen some surge, with the splashwell left full of debris


                    Used the manual release today to bring it upright, and took the cowling off -

                    clearly a few inches of water had made it in - and some organic matter - so all the wire connectors - 10 pin, oil/trim, N2K were immersed for some time. I'm thinking its worthwhile to disconnect them all and rinse the contacts with fresh water


                    • #11
                      No doubt some - perhaps many Key Deer perished, but there are still at least some left.
                      This was a doe s*****ing past earlier today


                      • #12
                        W0w, you did really good... Congrates...

                        Yep, lots of clean water, maybe Salt Away under the cowl with the water would be worth while...

                        Those coconut tree's took a beating...

                        The last big storm down there, (my friend has a place IN your town, not far from the DMV), they got about 4-5 of water come across over the ground. I helped clean up, like you, all the stuff on the bottom floor..

                        US 1 looked like a bomb went off, SOOOO much debris...
                        1997 Angler 204, Center Console powered by a 2006 Yamaha F150TXR

