Went to run my engines today and the starboard battery was too low ...combined batteries and it started no problem. After checks it appears as though this battery is going bad. (won't take a charge from the charger)
I am going to pull both batteries tomorrow ...they are top of the line Interstates and the one ...I feel pretty sure is bad after exactly 4 years! (8-13-13)
I have always had good luck with Interstate but now I may have to rethink it if thats all the time I get.
Whats the ball park time on your batteries?
BTW...All terminals clean enough to eat off of...battery switch always left in the OFF position and no accessories on when switch is off. (I even pull the auto bilge fuse when it is in my driveway) so no load at all when switch is off.
Put battery on charger (12V/6A) and it started at 4.5, it should taper down to about 2 to 3 when charged.
After about 90 minutes I checked it and it had gone UP to 5!
The port battery is ok and it holds a charge (13.5V at rest) ...this battery is at 12V after 90 min. on charger.
I will have them BOTH checked tomorrow.
Sure wish they lasted longer.
I am going to pull both batteries tomorrow ...they are top of the line Interstates and the one ...I feel pretty sure is bad after exactly 4 years! (8-13-13)
I have always had good luck with Interstate but now I may have to rethink it if thats all the time I get.
Whats the ball park time on your batteries?
BTW...All terminals clean enough to eat off of...battery switch always left in the OFF position and no accessories on when switch is off. (I even pull the auto bilge fuse when it is in my driveway) so no load at all when switch is off.
Put battery on charger (12V/6A) and it started at 4.5, it should taper down to about 2 to 3 when charged.
After about 90 minutes I checked it and it had gone UP to 5!
The port battery is ok and it holds a charge (13.5V at rest) ...this battery is at 12V after 90 min. on charger.
I will have them BOTH checked tomorrow.
Sure wish they lasted longer.
