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2001 90hp TLRZ No Spark/Intermittent Spark

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  • 2001 90hp TLRZ No Spark/Intermittent Spark

    My 2001 90 TLRZ is having spark/ignition issues. Plugs 1 & 3 will spark for a split second when first turned over and then will quit. I have tried unplugging the white wire at the bullet connector with no change.

    I then tried unplugging the yellow wire for the emergency circuit and the motor fires right up.

    My question is where should I begin testing and what parts does it being able to run on the emergency circuit rule out?

    Also, could a bad Crank Positioning Sensor be a culprit? Visually inspecting it, it looks like something must've gotten between it and the flywheel because it looks like something had rubbed against it?

    Thanks for any help in pointing me in the right direction

  • #2
    Any help to point me in the right direction would be really appreciated. I have found a good deal on a CDI and don't want to miss out on it if it is my problem.


    • #3
      Maybe Rodbolt or boscoe has an idea.

      I do not know what is bypassed when the yellow wire is unplugged.

      I would test all inputs to the CDI and then the outputs looking for what is in spec and what is out


      • #4
        I am having a no spark issue as well. Pulled the yellow wire for emergency operation because of your post and also regained spark. I can only crank it for a couple seconds and then it stops so I have not been able to get her fired up and running again.

