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Help need torque specificatie..

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  • Help need torque specificatie..

    Hello,I'm Daniella, 30 years old and new at this forum. I am working on a revision of an old Yamaha 676. 6e9 40 hp engine, does anyone have a repair Manuel that can give me the piston rod and crankshaft case torque specificatie.....Can anyone help me with this please?
    Last edited by Steegje360; 06-30-2017, 10:42 AM.

  • #2
    Daniella if you give the correct year of the engine and the complete motor model number I'm sure someone like Boscoe can come up with the part number for the appropriate service repair manual that will have all this info. The manuals are well worth the 40 to 50 dollars cost. I found mine on Ebay a used one in new condition after Boscoe gave the part number.
    Keep life simple, eat, sleep, fish, repeat!


    • #3
      How many 40s have been made since Yamaha started building them?
      which one of those are you playing with?


      • #4
        Do the connecting rods have bolt on caps on your model?

        Is this a premix model of oil injection model?

        Do you have a letter and some numbers after the 6E9 part?


        • #5
          Yes , connecting rods have bolt on caps,
          The only numbers that are still readable : 40BE and 676BL...40359?... He still has contact points

          Thank you !
          Last edited by Steegje360; 06-30-2017, 11:51 AM.


          • #6
            Rod cap bolts are lubricated with engine oil and then tightened in two steps. First step to 12 pound feet (17Nm) and then second step to 23 pound feet (32Nm).

            The crank case bolts are lubricated with engine oil and then tightened in two steps. First step to 14 pound feet (20Nm) and then second step to 29 pound feet (40Nm).


            • #7
              Originally posted by Steegje360 View Post
              Yes , connecting rods have bolt on caps,
              The only numbers that are still readable : 40BE and 676BL...40359?... He still has contact points

              Thank you !
              points and condenser ignition?
              Last edited by 99yam40; 06-30-2017, 12:14 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                points and condenser ignition?
                I did not look. Don't think so.

                I had to find a C40 model to find the rod caps. First one offered here was in 1990. It has a CDI. It seems to me that all US model Yams have used CDI's since day one.


                • #9
                  Yes it had 2 contact pointes and no cdi..
                  And Yes also Rod caps

                  Thank you very much Boscoe99 , perfect !very helpful !!!


                  • #10
                    I was wondering what he meant by the He still has contact points comment.

                    I never saw one with points.

                    Op where are you and this motor located?
                    Last edited by 99yam40; 06-30-2017, 12:52 PM.


                    • #11
                      He ? She...

                      The engine :


                      • #12
                        With a name of Daniella I suspected she was a she. From Italia. That is why I put so much effort into helping. Guys don't get this sort of help.

                        Now motore (the motor in Italian) would be masculine. As in a "he" motor. He still has contact points.

                        But damn if I really know. I bees guessing.


                        • #13
                          But cars in my day were always she!!! She's running good today!
                          Keep life simple, eat, sleep, fish, repeat!


                          • #14
                            Almost good boscoe99 ... Yes i'm she and the engine he From Brazil and living in Holland . And I am very grateful to you too

                            Bom dia

