we had a recent post regarding connecting the "Command Link" data stream
to a non-Yamaha "multifunction display" via NMEA 2000
thought I would provide an example of what data might display,
and how it would look on a particular MFD (in this case Garmin)
One interesting idiosyncrasy of the Yamaha N2K output is that,
with no trim input to the ECU, a 100% value for "trim" is broadcast
which prompts the non-Yamaha device to display this spurious "data"
this contrasts with the optional Command Link cooling water pressure -
where, with no input (no sensor connected) - no NMEA 2000 data is sent
Here are the "Engine" screens from a Garmin 547xs,
displaying available data from a F225TXRD:
fuel flow rate
the spurious "trim" value
MAP (sent using the N2K ID for "engine boost pressure)
voltage (at the ECU)
oil pressure
engine temperature
also interesting on the Garmin side,
the 547 programming does not provide for display of "total engine operating hours" -
although Yamaha outputs it
to a non-Yamaha "multifunction display" via NMEA 2000
thought I would provide an example of what data might display,
and how it would look on a particular MFD (in this case Garmin)
One interesting idiosyncrasy of the Yamaha N2K output is that,
with no trim input to the ECU, a 100% value for "trim" is broadcast
which prompts the non-Yamaha device to display this spurious "data"
this contrasts with the optional Command Link cooling water pressure -
where, with no input (no sensor connected) - no NMEA 2000 data is sent
Here are the "Engine" screens from a Garmin 547xs,
displaying available data from a F225TXRD:
fuel flow rate
the spurious "trim" value
MAP (sent using the N2K ID for "engine boost pressure)
voltage (at the ECU)
oil pressure
engine temperature
also interesting on the Garmin side,
the 547 programming does not provide for display of "total engine operating hours" -
although Yamaha outputs it