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2005 F250 losing prime

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  • #31
    the air in line has to be coming from somewhere


    • #32
      I chased air bubbles all the way to the tank which is why I have replaced everything to the tank. When I was still getting bubbles from the new pickup tube in the tank at the tank, I removed it and submersed it completely in fuel so there was not way it could leak anywhere. To my amazement, I watched the bubbles form at the strainer at the bottom of the tube (completely submersed). After a little research, it is typical for fuel to release gases when subjected to pressure less than atmosphere... While bench testing my pumps this morning, I repeated this many times. I had a can of fuel on the floor with the pump on a 36" tall work bench I had both the inlet and outlet of the pump running into the tank. It ran clear with no restrictions, but pinch off the inlet line and bubbles formed immediately at the pinch.


      • #33
        I like the idea of the Holley pump. When running back to pump the ball I've often thought why not just add a fuel pump here...

        The stock Yamaha has worked great for 13 years though. I really just want to get it back to what I had before. Simple part to replace. Just want to make sure I haven't overlooked anything else as price for a new pump is nearly $500...


        • #34
          Try one of these -

          Yamaha 69J-24410-00,02,-03-00 also Mercury, 888251T02, 888251,T 8825

          I installed one on my Port motor and it has been running perfectly for about 75 hours. Good luck.


          • #35
            Looks like the low pressure pump I replaced the first time was a lemon. I put an OEM one on from and had no problems this weekend.

            Thanks for all the help on this. I will follow up with a summary of all I learned from this in hopes to help someone else in the future. Now onto the next problem... PowerTrim. I'll start a new Thread for this.

