1999 YAM S130 TLRX Oil Injected 549 HRs No issues to date for me...two years...50 hours.
I received an overheat signal/buzzer yesterday after hitting 3000 RPMs for a couple of minutes. I immediately slowed to idle, turned the motor off and let it "cool". Prior to, I had a solid pee stream and over 10psi on my water pressure gauge. I repeated the profile to see exactly when it occurs and it is after and above 3000 RPMs for just a few minutes. Will run under 3000 RPMs all day. The motor is new to me, the PO had awesome maintenance records. Yearly WP changes, fluids, filters. Tstats were unknown.
I started with the low hanging fruit. Replaced Water Pump and Thermostats. Cleaned water jacket passages around Tstats. Inspected others with my tiny scope. A little scale but nothing major. The Tstats were cruddy.
Tested pump on muffs and took cylinder head temps with IR thermometer. All good. 140ish and balanced.
On the water test showed the EXACT same thing. Solid pee stream. Better psi at 15-20 before Tstats opened and dropped to 10+ after. Buzzer at/above 3000 RPMs and 2-3 mins at that RPM. No buzzer below.
Here's the kicker. I pulled the cowling to take temps. They were all at 145. Balanced. BUT the starter motor was running!!!! The solenoid did not engage, but the starter motor was running. I then heard some weird electrical "ping" and the starter motor stopped. I disconnect the pink butt connector at the starter and the buzzer stopped.
I shut it down to see if I could repeat the events. This time I disconnected the temp sensors one at a time on each head to see if the sensor(s) was bad. Same, same. Definitely electrical. Rectifier?? Starter Relay?? Martians??
I idled back to the dock with my fishtail between my legs.
Rodbolt!!! Ideas???
1999 YAM S130 TLRX Oil Injected 549 HRs No issues to date for me...two years...50 hours.
I received an overheat signal/buzzer yesterday after hitting 3000 RPMs for a couple of minutes. I immediately slowed to idle, turned the motor off and let it "cool". Prior to, I had a solid pee stream and over 10psi on my water pressure gauge. I repeated the profile to see exactly when it occurs and it is after and above 3000 RPMs for just a few minutes. Will run under 3000 RPMs all day. The motor is new to me, the PO had awesome maintenance records. Yearly WP changes, fluids, filters. Tstats were unknown.
I started with the low hanging fruit. Replaced Water Pump and Thermostats. Cleaned water jacket passages around Tstats. Inspected others with my tiny scope. A little scale but nothing major. The Tstats were cruddy.
Tested pump on muffs and took cylinder head temps with IR thermometer. All good. 140ish and balanced.
On the water test showed the EXACT same thing. Solid pee stream. Better psi at 15-20 before Tstats opened and dropped to 10+ after. Buzzer at/above 3000 RPMs and 2-3 mins at that RPM. No buzzer below.
Here's the kicker. I pulled the cowling to take temps. They were all at 145. Balanced. BUT the starter motor was running!!!! The solenoid did not engage, but the starter motor was running. I then heard some weird electrical "ping" and the starter motor stopped. I disconnect the pink butt connector at the starter and the buzzer stopped.
I shut it down to see if I could repeat the events. This time I disconnected the temp sensors one at a time on each head to see if the sensor(s) was bad. Same, same. Definitely electrical. Rectifier?? Starter Relay?? Martians??
I idled back to the dock with my fishtail between my legs.
Rodbolt!!! Ideas???