This is a separate tach gauge than the threads I've posted about. This one turns on but the digital readout is very dim. Is there a way to meter test the wiring to determine if power is going where it should be going, which wires to test for resistance, etc.
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Meter Testing Yam Tach Gauge
What happens with these gauges is they get sunburn.
How an LCD works is that the crystal display polarizes the reflected light where the digits are and they show as black digits when getting blocked by the polarized film.
Years of being in the sun, the polarized film becomes degraded and the digits slowly start to fade.
Look at the gauge while wearing a pair of polarized sunglasses and then rotate the gauge 90º in either direction. If the polar film is in tact, then the gauge face should go dark. More than likely, you will see sunburn towards the center and possibly darker around the edges....If its got teats or tires, you bound to have trouble with it....