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Question for you F150 owners

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  • Question for you F150 owners

    or Boscoe if he is interested
    or Rodbolt (I am prepared to be told that it is stupid simple...)

    part of the circuit diagram for the tilt/trim electrical is a "diode"

    what's it there for? what "does it do"?

    (actually, I also have it on my F90 - but NOT the F225 -"as far as I know"

  • #2
    You have them on your F225. Sometimes they are depicted in the wiring diagram and sometimes they are not. Sometimes they are integral to the relay and sometimes they are not.

    It is a stupidly simple system.


    • #3
      F225 main relay assembly


      • #4
        Originally posted by fairdeal View Post
        (actually, I also have it on my F90 - but NOT the F225 -"as far as I know"
        Inspect your main engine wire harness. Start at the PTT relay connector and go backwards from there. See if you can find the rabbit/rat in the belly of the snake. I suspect the rat will be your diodes.

        If a diode were to fail Yamaha expects you to replace the complete harness. At big bucks. Some have been known to cut the old diode out and install a new one from Radio Shack.
        Last edited by boscoe99; 04-18-2017, 05:35 PM.


        • #5
          I've noticed the little gizmo on the F90,

          but not anything similar on the F225, despite having given it much more scrutiny.

          Perhaps there are diodes built in the t/t relay, but not shown on the schematic.

          (That particular relay seems to be unique to the 3.3 F200/F225)


          • #6
            Originally posted by fairdeal View Post
            I've noticed the little gizmo on the F90,

            but not anything similar on the F225, despite having given it much more scrutiny.

            Perhaps there are diodes built in the t/t relay, but not shown on the schematic.

            (That particular relay seems to be unique to the 3.3 F200/F225)
            I think you may be correct.

            Now take a look at the latest V6 3.3L F200/F225. Uses a 63P relay (F150). The F150 wiring diagram shows the diodes.

            Now I am wondering why Yamaha uses so many different part number relay assemblies that all do the exact same thing. You would think they could get down to just one part number. Cheaper costs, less spares to inventory.

