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Yamaha 60 hp cold start issues

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  • #31
    Started up first time again today, adjusted idling so sitting nicely at 700 rpm and purring like a kitten.

    Had issues last year with it not pumping water and when I opened bottom leg up the impeller key was missing, replaced impeller with new key but still no real flow through tell tale pipe.
    I took the brass plug off the side off the block today and there was the old key wedged in the plug, pulled it out put everything back together and I now have an engine that really is tickity boo so time to crack open some more Laphroaig and repeatedly tell my wife how much money I have saved.....hic hic


    • #32
      Hold you hard boys!

      Tickity boo. Have not heard that term in about 30 plus years. First heard it from an Englishman. A Brit.

      Isn't a Scot a Brit or do you not think of yourselves as such? Is Scotland a place where men are men and sheep are nervous?

      We need 99yam to ring in here. Lots of folks in Texas don't necessarily think of themselves as USA'rs. My brother who lives there swears he is from a different country.


      • #33
        Originally posted by boscoe99 View Post
        Hold you hard boys!

        Tickity boo. Have not heard that term in about 30 plus years. First heard it from an Englishman. A Brit.

        Isn't a Scot a Brit or do you not think of yourselves as such? Is Scotland a place where men are men and sheep are nervous?

        We need 99yam to ring in here. Lots of folks in Texas don't necessarily think of themselves as USA'rs. My brother who lives there swears he is from a different country.
        Oh I am most definitely Scots 100%

        Don't know about the sheep being nervous but the tourists are


        • #34
          being/living in Texas is better than just being in the USA, but I pay my federal taxes every year, so I am an American and proud of it.
          I was born and raised Texan and I am proud of that also.

          I have driven to different states during my life, Louisianan, California,Idaho, Arkansas,Mississippi, Missouri,and Florida over my life. but from what I saw, I would not want to live anywhere else but Texas.
          I am not the type of person that takes trips to see the county side and think Oh that is so beautiful
          But I never spent a lot of time hunting and fishing in other states or countries to compare that part of life .

          Have a few friends that have moved away, and they tell me they miss the hunting and fishing here in texas.
          I sight fish for reds with artificial baits mainly. but catch Specks and flounder on the flates too.
          Use to go off shore and catch snapper, ling,Kings,whaoo, AJ, dolphin,grouper, etc., but most of my friends that had boats for that got interested in my sight fishing and sold their boats. a lot less expensive trip and less work for us getting older.

          Good to hear OP motor starts cold now.
          hard to belive spraying cleaner into one of 2 PS passages fixed it
          Last edited by 99yam40; 04-01-2017, 02:42 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post

            Good to hear OP motor starts cold now.
            hard to belive spraying cleaner into one of 2 PS passages fixed it
            Good news indeed. Hope he got out whatever it was that was causing the problem.

            With respect to the spray solution, we have a saying here in Georgia. Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and again.

            Now that the motor is repaired, time to retreat to a good meal of Haggis. Might be the Georgia equivalent of chitlins. Or mountain oysters.
            Last edited by boscoe99; 04-01-2017, 02:57 PM.


            • #36
              I am thinking it would be closer to Boudin than nuts or Chitlins


              • #37
                Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                I am thinking it would be closer to Boudin than nuts or Chitlins
                Had to Googleit. Gots to be better than blood pudding. Uh.


                • #38
                  Haggis or Boudin?

                  Growing up we ate Sweetbreads, brains, and kidneys also.
                  Did not waste much when we butchered calves or pigs
                  not into that stuff much anymore
                  have not hunted and eaten rabbit or squirrel in years and I liked them a lot
                  Last edited by 99yam40; 04-01-2017, 04:07 PM.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                    I am thinking it would be closer to Boudin than nuts or Chitlins
                    Boudin is great. Usually the best comes from the corner gas station in LA.
                    Problem with constipation? Have some boudin...


                    • #40
                      Not sure why rice and organ meat would do that
                      maybe something to do with the corner gas station


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by 99yam40 View Post
                        Not sure why rice and organ meat would do that
                        maybe something to do with the corner gas station
                        No wasted space in La. I walked into one of those places to get a Coke on a Sat morning. About 9:30am. About 15 people, a band, dancing like crazy, drunk as coots already....nicest people I ever met were in La


                        • #42
                          probably not already, but still from the night before.
                          being a weekend, there may not be a good reason to go to bed and get up in the morning to go to work
                          Last edited by 99yam40; 04-01-2017, 07:00 PM.


                          • #43
                            Sat morning. They didn't have that greasy "all night" look.


                            • #44
                              I was know to pop a top at the boat ramp when heading out on a fishing trip in my younger days.
                              not sure about a gas station
                              It is always 5 oclock somewhere

