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boat overloading damage engine?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by cleddau1 View Post
    Is it not the resistance of the boat through the water that is relevant rather than the weight? Resistance through the water is a function of hull length and configuration, wetted area, sea state, windage of superstructure, and any headwind. Only the wetted area will increase with load.
    Weight is very relevant. Try getting a 4000 pound car rolling on a flat surface by people power and then try stopping it. Same thing with an 8000 pound boat in the water, only worse.

    Now with added weight a boat sits lower in the water. The lower the boat sits in the water the motor wetted area there is. The more the wetter area the greater the drag aka resistance to movement. Same thing with the area of the boat our of the water with respect to the affects of wind.

    I had a 25 HP two stroke on a 14' aluminium boat. At low power settings and with a good stiff wind it was more difficult to steer the boat into the wind. Or a small vector thereof. Had to use lots of power at times to make the boat turn back on heading when the wind tried to make it turn. If I had a 2 HP motor I doubt it would have been con*****able.

    I think this post was about harm coming to the motor. Con*****ability is a completely different issue. But I don't mind off message posts. Adds variety to the fun IMO.
    Last edited by boscoe99; 12-24-2016, 01:37 PM.


    • #17
      did that with a 15 EV on a 48"extra wide jon boat.
      storm came up and was whaling my boat.
      called a buddy across blunt bay.
      I made it across and only had to make 3 360* turns.
      when the wind blew me sideways down his ditch he met me at the dock laughing saying he had just logged a 62MPH wind gust.
      my wife was next door with a friend watching this.
      they all said I was crazy but they did agree, the smile never left my face
      was one of the wildest jon boat rides I ever took.
      we later checked the data at the Duck research pier, winds where steady at 40 with gusts to 68 out of the NE.

