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2007 250 Will Not Shift to FORWARD

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  • #16
    I have replaced a few, the one for the v8 is about 2800.
    typically a 3.80 dollar bushing is the failure.
    typically the corrosion builds between the bushing and the bushing housing just under the powerhead.
    bind it up to bad and keep trying to make it shift and it burns out the motor windings.
    no way to lube it and the powerhead has to be removed to access it.
    did a set of triple f350 motors a couple weeks ago.
    one actuator burned out and the other two binding.


    • #17
      Powerhead has to be removed to replace it? Same with the bushing?


      • #18
        don't know on the old F250 but on the V8,yes the powerhead comes off to replace either one.
        6 or 7 years ago the first failed actuator bit me.
        I know what to look for now.
        I get a few a year.


        • #19
          That really sucks.


          • #20
            i have been reading what you gentlemen are writing thank you again your thoughts are most helpful


            • #21
              I got a hold of a service manual and did pinpoint voltage tests. Voltages were okay. Removed the actuator and plug it into starboard engine. The problem still existed. I disassembled the actuator and found a defective plastic gear. I replaced the actuator and that solved the problem.
              The shift positioning sensor is 110 degree rotating sensor. Rotation is accomplished by a series of plastic gear reductions in the actuator. When my actuator had a defective gear, the sensor jumped out of time causing the actuator to stop in the wrong positions.
              Thank you for your input on my problem.


              • #22
                Hi guys I have a 2013 f200 xca and I believe I am having the same problem that you all have discussed in these forums. The boat will not go into gear or start unless I cross contacts and eliminate the key switch. Does the 200 have the same bushing as the f350 and if so does it require power head removal?

